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Here is small part of last month letter..we would like to see happy and safe world...

Weekly Newsletter from 18-22 July 2016

Let’s take a moment to think of those who were taken away by terrorist attack in Nice. Our prayers are with their families and friends


Dear Members,

This section below is purely my opinion on the current happenings in the world.

Last week, a horrific incident took place once again, when a terrorist killed more than 100 people in France. In the past 16 years’ terrorist activities have increased drastically, terrorists and other people are taking the lives of innocent people who had nothing to do with them in any way. Two weeks ago a man in Texas took the lives of 5 police officers and in two separate incidents two police officers shot two black people. It is painful when any life is taken, it doesn’t matter what race or religion he or she is. We are all humans, and we should feel pain if we care about humanity and we should pray for every life, and pray that God or higher power gives wisdom to people who have ill thoughts. 

In Nice, the terrorist used a truck to kill babies, children, and old men and women when they were enjoying time with their families and friends on the beautiful day. It is time to say enough with this! How many innocent lives will be taken for the flawed causes terrorists work for? They are led to believe that they killing people will bring them close to god, but they fail to see that they are insulting themselves, their families, their religion, they are insulting their faith or god and the lives of all the innocent people that they so mercilessly take.

Thousands of years ago, the world was not easily travelled, so whatever region or geographical locations people were living in started following their leaders/guiders, and those leaders/guiders imposed their way of thinking and believing (religion) on their people. The people had no choice but to accept, follow, and practice it, because hardly any individual had a voice to speak up or express their feelings. That’s how monarchies, dictatorships, and other oppressive political systems used to work.

We all believe that religions were formed for good reasons (to unite the people, create a sense of community, and install some sort of faith and hope in their societies), but then conflicts started occurring due to people starting fights with their neighbouring regions over supremacy, imposing their value to gain power and to expand their way of worship. It soon became a long game of people saying “my religion is better than yours”, and that’s when the conquering, the crusades, the killings, and the imposition really began. In my opinion, creating religions has divided the human race and that created more problems as time passed and the world population started growing. Let’s be honest: the world has now been clearly divided not only in faith, but in ideas, philosophies, and morality.

However, the ones causing the problems are those who preach extremist interpretations of religions. Extremist groups’ cruel ideas are easily sellable because they utilize anger and fear and solve their problems with violence, but the sad part is that there are people those who can’t decide what is moral and what isn’t moral, and that’s how cruelty or extremism creates a scene like Nice.

It is time to say “enough”, and it is time to bring modernization in our religions as well as belief, because the world is the most beautiful place, and life is very precious. We all should leave in peace, prosperity, harmony, and happiness. We have done so much modernization in our daily lives but why can’t we bring modernizations in religions if people really care about said religion?

Let me say this: people who commit acts of terrorism are not good people. They aren’t only harming themselves and others, but they are harming their religions, their people, their countries, etc. It is not religion that causes these acts; it is the misinterpretation of religious doctrines that causes terrorism. Those who kill for religion are not religious nor are they good. They are evil. You cannot blame an entire apple tree for giving one bad apple. Similarly, you cannot blame a religion, a country, or a race for the actions of a few. We must understand that although those directly affected by Nice are very hurt, the others who belong to the same religion, country, or race as the terrorists are hurt and ashamed too.

Let’s pray to God, whichever one we believe in or whatever we believe in, and ask for peace and a beautiful life. In 2001, I started writing a book called “The God Within Us”, and another book called “Religion – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly”. Today, I feel that I should pursue now to finish these two books because these books talk about ‘us and ourselves’, which represents the journey of our lives. Life could be very beautiful, very lovable, and endlessly joyful, but is lacking of the understanding of the self. My wish is that if I was able to change a few people’s cruel, damages, and very misled hearts to good ones, that will be the greatest achievement of my life. When I was a young astrologer, I still remember that I was able to change depressed people’s lives by talking to them about their astro-life journey, and those people are doing well now. Many wanted a divorce, and now they are happily enjoying their life with the same person… and the list goes on. Whenever I looked back, I found that I have done a few things right, and that always brings a smile on my face and makes me feel complete and satisfied.

We will always do good Karma (deeds) once we understand the meaning of good and bad, which means that we will play the role of a good citizen in the eye of nature or God, because Good Karma represents the existence of God within us, and bad Karma represents the existence of evil within us.

In the last 16 years I have dedicated 90% of my time to writing on the market, but now I think it is time for me to put an equal amount of time to write about the awareness of peace, nonviolence, and promoting harmony and love. I sincerely hope that my writing could change people’s hearts to pursue good karma.


Let me come back to the financial market because most of you subscribe to read financial market outlooks; so here is this week’s Weekly Newsletter from the 18th-22nd of July 2016:

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma