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Today's Trade & News

Here is small part of this week newsletter 4-8 May 2020..metals, energy, indexes, currencies, softs, grains & bond..

Dear Members,

In the last three months during this most horrific time most of our stock recommendations have really done well. One of our very affluent members who is also my friend since the last 22 years, called me yesterday and asked, “Mahendra, how are you picking up all of these great stocks and many of these stocks are sitting at an all-time high even when the world is struggling and stock markets are performing very badly”. I just said that the astro cycles and nature are helping me find these stocks and maybe we are lucky as well.   

Metals, energy, Currencies, grains, softs and global, emerging and USA Indexes are trading as predicted.

These stocks are close to an all-time high or they are at all-time highs; these stocks are REGN, VRTX, DXCM, NFLX, AMZN, TEAM, ALNY, TSLA, MASI, SHOP, MSFT and list goes on.

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To know daily and weekly strategy for metals, markets, currencies, energy, grains, softs & bond. If you would like to subscribe to our weekly letter, Daily Flashnews and stock reports, please do so from the subscriptions section.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma