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Today's Trade & News

Here is small part of this week newsletter...Watch Wednesday and Thursday as new trend may get birth...

Weekly newsletter from 30-4 December,

Prediction date: 28 Nov 2009

Dear Members, 

Small earthquake in a small city has shaken up each part of the world in the last thirty six hours. We are taking this seriously. It might not be one of the news like other which comes and goes away. Dubai, surrounded by desert on one side and sea on the other, has the most beautiful modern buildings but it looks so artificial. I left after staying there in less than a year and never went back for even a day.  In 2006/7, I advised most of my friends to get out from Dubai or if they wanted to stay then sell real estate which they bought so expensively. Few of them sold and many are still holding their much touted properties, and they are bleeding badly now.

Anyway, we hope that Dubai will sort through its problems, but surely the default will leave many questions unanswered, investors shocked, and financial scars to heal for years to come. In 2007, we predicted a great fall in Dubai Property prices and also we mentioned that there will be worldwide financial crises.

The world’s financial system is very sensitive to ripples of seemingly isolated local problems. Thanks to Bernanke’s aggressive stimulus packages that the world modeled after, we escaped from complete financial meltdown, which I was very concerned about happening in the beginning of this year.

Unfortunately, today, like last year, bankers and financial institutions are again sitting at the gambling tables, now with loads of money from the Fed and central banks around the world. They started buying everything. Even gold became their favorite target. Seven years back none of the bankers would even think about buying gold because it belongs to high risk investment category and its performance was lousy for years.  

I am not an expert in economics, and my newsletter services is completely different from mainstream thinking. This may not give you gains immediately, but surely it will show you the right path. The current planetary combination indicates negative time has started from 17 November 2009 and will last till 29 May 2010. It doesn’t mean that everyday will be negative for world financial markets. During this period I see:

Natural disasters

Financial crises

Fall of hot rising commodities.

A few Scandals that will surprise many


We have to trade very carefully because sudden fall and sudden rises will throw many people away from the markets. Once we pass this negative cycle, then it will be safest time for investment, until 2014. And after 2014 bubble of equity will burst, and more than 50% banks will likely close down. The ensuing financial mess will take seven year to clear up.

World financial markets are dancing on death bodies today. It’s like you if you kill a bad person, everyone will appreciate; but if you start dancing on the death body, it will make many people upset. Today financial markets are doing the same thing and I am sure Mars will teach them one more lesions before May 2010.

Dubai’s rising sun is already beaming with bad news. Forget about the Middle East now and all those oil rich countries, even Saudi Arabia, because oil eventually will go to $2 or $3 in the next fifteen years. When oil was $145, we already said, oil killed its own destiny and that has proven right in first part when oil came down to $32. Now another part of the story will start.

I am too much concerned about my favorite investment for years—gold, because gold is destroying its own future. I have been warning on gold and my warning is still very on.

I don’t trust any other currency except the Dollar, and some faith in Swiss Franc/Yen. Buy dollar, don’t hate dollar as it is starting in most unique cycle.


This week’s Predictions from 30 Nov – 4 December



We saw a great amount of volatility during last week. We saw a high of $1195 and a low of $1132. HUI gold bug index came down more than four percent on Friday. Gold should have moved higher on the financial crises but it surprised me, when I saw gold falling on the Dubai crises. This fall is raising a lot of questions in my mind. Is gold is safe or is it not? In the current trading speculation pattern gold lost its identity. If you meditate on my point then you will also have many questions.


Anyways, we are very close to.....



Base metals will fall in a big way from....



Last week Stock markets remained very volatile. This week, all markets will remain volatile, rise on.....



Two months ago we recommended one to start building some positions in coffee from....


We made a great amount of money in coffee in the last six years and I see great time coming ahead in 2010. After grains, coffee is our best bet....



This week, both these commodities will....



In the last seven weeks a few of our grains traders made a huge sum of money and I hope that most of our members will make fortune in 2010....



Last week Natural gas moved up sharply on Thursday and Friday as recommended. Last week hedging trade paid handsomely. This week we see a weaker trend coming......



Last week only dollar and Yen remained stable against world uncertainty. It is so unfortunate that gold has lost the safe haven status on negative news. Now, economists’ are calling dollar a safe haven. Why aren’t people noticing this new change?


The next two weeks dollar may remain.......


Note: Day by day planetary position is getting aggressive; I don’t know what will happen in the next five months in the FINANCIAL markets. I just recommend investors to please hold dollar, and stay away from the Middle East investment area, like oil and any new investments in real estate.


European countries can have bad news, so stay away from Europe and Britain. Keep away from both these currencies but on any news pound or Euro can drop more than 2000 points in few days.


The next five months are not so good for world leaders so their security must take extra care, or they should remain extra alert because I see an assassination attempt on one or two key world leaders. I pray for their good health.


Trading note: Trade safely, in the next five month puts and call trades will pay handsomely. In the volatile time future markets don’t give good profits, and also normally stop-loss always gets hit because of volatility.   


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma, 29 November 2009