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Today's Trade & News

Here is this week newsletter, 11.00 million hits on our website... and two offers ending soon..


Dear Members,  

Here is below half part of weekly newsletter, we are sure you will enjoy it. This week our website achieved 11.00 million hits. Our lifetime membership one year offer will expire soon and we are increasing 100% price as well. See offer details below. Also we are reducing book prices from $99.00 to $79.00 from today after getting request from many.

Weekly newsletter, daily flashnews, individual market subscriptions and Combo subscripions and Indian market subscriptions prices will remain. Our weekly newsletter service is very highly rated by Individual traders and Institutions. Daily flashnews is good for day traders, it also highly rated by traders.


Part of this week newsletter “13 to 17 May 2013” PDF FILE is here.

Most of you have been aware about our predictions a historic bull-market for S&P, Nasdaq, global world Indexes, and US Dollar since December 2011. Now from June 2013 we are predicting that Uranium stocks and coffee will start rising rapidly. Once again, I will recommend listen to Jack Bouroujian’s (CNBC news Contributor) radio interview, which on the top of our home page. Those who have bought our 2013 book must read it because it has details of all major market trends. We clearly mentioned a historic bull market in the stocks and a bear trend in metals in "2013 Financial Predictions". It is a lifetime opportunity to make money during the next two years because after that, we are predicting a severe meltdown in the world financial systems.    

Here is Wednesday's flashnews; we are announcing a great deal for lifetime membership. 

1.    One year subscriptions of lifetime membership will give you a total  two-year period.  This offer starts today. 

Please read what a lifetime membership is:

We are locking our website with log-in details, so if visitors would like to read the “News and predictions sections”, we occasionally put the flashnews or weekly newsletter which will guide you about market trends. The lifetime membership is good service for those who can’t afford to buy our most popular premium service, the Weekly Newsletter and Daily Flashnews”.

Here is a PDF file of Wednesday’s flashnews



Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma