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Today's Trade & News

Here is this week's weekly newsletter for all major financial markets...

Weekly newsletter from 24- 28 February 2014


Dear Members,

After my mediation, I was having coffee and I was thinking about my interview with the CNBC contributor Jack Bouroudjian on the 26th of February 2009 (available on our website home page), because in that interview, we predicted the era of USA and USD. During interview I was saying Dow reaching 36,000 and Jack stopped me immediately and said, “Hold on Mahendra. You’re saying Dow is going to hit 36000?” (Dow was at 6750 that day.) I said yes. This was a headline of that interview; I never thought in detail about this prediction, like how it would reach 36,000, what would make this happen, where the rest of world markets would be, etc. Listeners never gave serious thought because no one thought that this would happen as markets were collapsing and so much uncertainty was there. Anyways, though who invested in 2009 made fortune.

Since the last few months I have been fighting to analyze through my Astro indications about the USA era and the most exciting bull market, because it doesn’t look like a simple bull market nor like any other previous bull market because something big is hidden in this bull market, which is constantly indicated in our Astro theory and wave of nature.

The USA market is sitting around a historic high and the journey from here can be the most exciting one because without making much noise, U.S corporates and the economy are slowly preparing for the most powerful wave where none of other countries’ corporates and economies. The combination of Saturn and the north-node gave birth to a most powerful wave which will keep rising until these combinations become weaker (which I don’t see for the next three years).  

Most of you are following our work closely since the last few decades, but this time, the era is different. I was very excited about tech bubble of 1996 to 1999 and metals (gold and silver) in 2001; in each and every letter, I kept recommending buying gold and silver. Silver was $4.35/gold was at $289. I told Bill Murphy in 2003 that silver will hit $50 and gold $1600. Bill said, “Mahendra, are you sure?” I told him that the planetary positions are too powerful, and this combination would give birth to a new era of gold and silver. Gold investors liked our predictions, but still, in their hearts, they were doubting us. Today, we are standing at the same stage for stock market. Many kept doubting our predictions on the bullish U.S stock market since 2012 like metals investors were doubting 2001/2/3. Finally, most of the metal investors started believing that in 2004, gold and silver may touch our targets and same way few started believing our S&P prediction of reaching 3200 tom 5000.

Even after predicting so accurately for U.S stocks in the last 29 months, investors are still not ready to digest our predictions of S&P reaching 3200. I fully understand the investor’s problems because they look too much into fundamentals, macroeconomic and technical charts (which are currently mix), but they don’t know that all these indicators keep changing as per the time cycle. Today, all indicators may show a bullish sign and tomorrow, the same indicators turn negative. Markets and economies doesn’t move like this; they move in a wave cycle which is influenced by human psychology, and human psychology is controlled by planetary movements.

At this astro cycle and planetary combinations are showing encouraging signs for the medium and longer terms, don’t fear; because fear represents a negative cycle.

I am trying to understand the current wave, and my thoughts after today’s meditations. We don’t have any doubt about S&P reaching toward 3200, but surely, I would like to analyze it more in detail this coming cycle because today, I felt that USA will play a role of a black hole. It can make it very difficult for other countries to survive against USA because this black hole will keep sucking lots of money into it, and this black hole can become bigger and bigger. It sounds good for the USA stock market, but the final results look very scary after three year. Lets first make money for three year and then we will think about next step. Same we said in 1996/97 for technology, we stated that biggest tech bubble on the way but crash would be nasty one in 2000. In December 1999, we recommended to sell tech/internet stocks and people asked where to put money after selling tech? We said, wait for some time and we would come out with predictions. After nine months our metal prediction took birth and we predicted put money in metals.

So far, most of our members have done very well since 1996 with most of three major predictions; tech bubble (1996-1999), rise of commodities (2001 to 2007) and now stock market (2012 to 20….) stock market predictions. I am a bit scared that this rising trend of market will become very aggressive from 2015 because shorts will keep rising and none belief in stock valuations. S&P can go to even to 5000 by 2016. Leading companies will keep buying these stocks from markets, and they will be in a rush to acquire their own stocks. Hedge fund and big investors will also jump in; frontline stock valuations may go beyond our imaginations.

In short, at this stage, hold your investment tightly; like the tech bubble where I turn my $15000 to more than 100 folds. At this stage, there is no concerning sign for medium and longer term investors; buying on weaknesses should be your strategy in stocks and indexes.   

Get ready for the final unique era; we are in a progressive cycle which represent happy on confident, then excited cycle will start and final one will be euphoria which will make everyone crazy.


Here is this week’s trading strategy from the 24th -28th of February, 2014

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Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma, 23 Feb 2014