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Today's Trade & News

Here is this week's is outlook for commodities, currencies, stocks and bonds..Predict future trend by adding astrocycles/human behavior patterns...

Predict future trend by adding astrocycles/human behavior pattern

Dear Members and visitors,

Today is an extremely happy day for us as we have just completed fifteen years of writing the weekly letter and it has been the most interesting journey! Who says the markets trend or the future cannot be predicted. Today also marks a momentous moment for us as our website just crossed 12.3 million visitors. Just to show a little appreciation to all our members and followers who have been with our work for a long time, we are putting this week’s weekly newsletter here.

Our predicting theory is based on the astro cycles/human behavior pattern. Include and make our theory an integral part of your trading and investing strategy. Add our indicators along with technical, fundamentals, and macro-economic data, and we are sure your returns will be in multi folds.

Here is this week’s newsletter PDF FILE of 16-20 FEB 2015

Thanks & God Bless


Mahendra Sharma