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Today's Trade & News

Here is Thursday's flashnews...

Dear Members,

In this week newsletter - Monday and Tuesday we mentioned weaker trend and from late Tuesday we recommended buying in gold and silver, and so far they are trading positive since yesterday. Planetary position indicates positive/sideways trend in gold and silver for tomorrow as well.

Note – This week Wednesday to Friday gold and silver are having very strong support from planets but since yesterday both precious metals not able to break new high so it is bad news and it looks like gold and silver will not able to break Mondays high of 1609.80 and $40.78. These levels are good level to sell but they will also not fall that much as well. Our planetary combinations indicating best time to buy gold and silver will be September 2011. Currently gold is at $1598.90 and silver $39.89 and one can exit at these prices today but buy on any sharp fall during this week.

Base metals positivity is ending tomorrow so now not higher side is limited in palladium, platinum and copper. Negative time for base metals stocks is starting from tomorrow. Sell Copper around $4.45

So far this week our outlook in stock market have proven very accurate, book profit late today or tomorrow if you have bought indexes as market will fall from next week.  Potash stocks did extremely well during this week. Sell S&P around 1343 or sell all major European markets when S&P reach 1343y today it touched 1342.

Soft commodities are trading weaker as mentioned in newsletter, hold sell position in these commodities, specially cotton and coffee.

Grains also we mentioned trading weaker, and they are trading weaker, sell corn and wheat on any rise, avoid Soy at this stage.

Oil is trading positive after Monday and Tuesday weaker trend, now we recommend sell around 99.80 and lower side it can touch $96.30. Overall trend in oil will remain bit positive as Sun is coming in favor of oil so avoid any big selling position in oil until mid of next week. Buy natural gas around 4.41 or buy tomorrow and our next target prices is $4.88, currently trading around $4.45.

Our predictions came very wrong as dollar lost big against Euro and Australian dollar. Trading sideways against Yen and Swiss Franc, keep buying puts in Yen and Swiss Franc for December 2011, and I am sure you will make good amount for profit. At this stage EU or policy maker like to show strength in Euro as they are aware that any fall and trigger huge selling in euro. Any way put focus on YEN and Franc as money to be made there. Those you are with me on vertical split in EU should sell euro but go low leverage, those who have long pocket can hold dollar or keep adding dollar index around 74.50 because fall of any EU nation will bring down Euro minimum 2000 pips in few days and that day is not very fall. Dollar index is touch fifth time this year $74.30. It remained in range of $74 and 77.50 during this whole year.  


Thanks & God bless

Mahendra Sharma, Thursday 8.45 AM Santa Barbara