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Today's Trade & News

Here is Tuesday's trading range for commodities, Indexes & currencies...

Dear Friends,

Here is Tuesdays Flashnews:

Tuesday’s trading range of all major markets

Dear Members,

Monday markets traded as predicted, we still recommend buying precious metals on any weakness as mentioned yesterday as well as in this week weekly newsletter.



As we mentioned in this week’s newsletter that for gold/silver do or die situations for this week so they should run if they want to win battle over negativity. Monday they remained positive as we saw and same we are expecting for the Tuesday, trade per mentioned in below range.

Here is Tuesday’s range:

GOLD: $1577.50 to $1600.90

SILVER: $27.73 TO $27.05

COPPER: $348.30 TO $339.10

PALLADIUM: $590.00 TO $577.90  

PLATINUM: $1465 TO $1439



Avoid soft commodities on Tuesday, sugar moved up as mentioned yesterday.

Tuesday’s trading range:

COFFEE: $179.05 TO $184.10

COTTON: $71.75 TO $69.59

COCOA: $2359 TO $2283

SUGAR: $23.07 TO $22.32

ORNAGE JUICE:  $131.55 TO $127.10



Today we recommend take some buying trade in indexes on lower side as we expected some positive trend. Today’s buying is just for short term. Tomorrow again we will see some volatility in all major markets.

Monday’s trading range (September 2012 contract):

AUSTRALIAN (Cash) – 4178 to 4142

NIKKEI – 8990 TO 8888

NIFTY S&P (Spot) – 5312 TO 5269

SINGAP0RE (cash) – 2950.7 TO 2923.00

HONG KONG (cash) – 19681 to 19405

CAC – 3205 TO 3133

DAX – 6452 TO 6389

FTSE – 5640 TO 5568

S&P – 1359.75 TO 1337.75

NASDAQ – 2633.5 TO 2586

RUSSELL – 809.50 TO 795.25

DOW – 12793 TO 12627



Today any sharp rise should be taken selling opportunity in grains after data release.

Tuesday’s trading range (September contracts):

CORN: $738.75 TO $712.00

WHEAT: $842.25 TO $810.5

RICE: $15.34 TO $15.09

SOY: $1590.25 TO $1427.75

SOY MEAL: $471.25 TO $457.00

SOY OIL: 55.38 TO $54.02



On Tuesday trade in and out in oil, gas and Treasury bond as per the predicted range below. Buy Gold on day lower side in the predicted range and sell oil on higher side day predicted range will be good hedging trade during this week.

Tuesday’s trading range:

OIL: $87.12 to 84.09 August contract

NATURAL GAS: $2.99 to $2.78 August contract

TREASURY BOND – 151-11 TO 150-00 (Sep contracts)



Trade in and out in currencies as per mentioned here below range as all major currencies will trade both sides. Take position in rupee as we may see going back to 54.00.

Tuesday’s trading range (September contract).

DOLLAR INDEX – 83.57 to 83.00

AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR – 1.0177 to 1.0077

CANADIAN DOLLAR – 0.9827 to 0.9753

BRITISH POUND – 1.5552 to 1.5455

EURO – 1.2379 to 1.2261

JAPANESE YEN – 1.2611 to 1.2530

SWISS FRANC – 1.0312 to 1.0203

RUPPEE – 55.93 TO 55.55

RAND – 8.27 to 8.18

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Thanks & God Bless,

Mahendra Sharma

Tuesday 9.30 AM, Mumbai, India