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Today's Trade & News

Here is Wednesday small part of Daily flashnews...

Wednesdays Flash news (unedited copy)

Mars Midas touch witness today as soon as it entered in Leo


Dear Members,

Right now millions globally must be thinking what happened to market today as soon as Mars changed its house? Many observers of market and our subscribers must be scratching their heads about how Mars, which is almost 140 million miles away from earth, can impact the financial markets trend. Six weeks ago when everything was going well but Mars entered Cancer on 1 August which brought so much uncertainty and weakness in market that everything looked very scary. Investors almost lost hope except our members and today when Mars changed the whole sentiment turned so positive for the market.

In the last few hours I received a few emails asking, Mahendra, how does this astro magic work? They want to know about the astro cycle in detail. Surely I will start revealing the hidden part of the astro cycles and how that affects us in our daily life as well as on the financial market. For the last five weeks I have been telling everyone to remain on the sidelines till the 14th of September, and that the market will turn very bullish as soon as Mars enter Leo on 15 September, and that is exactly what happened, as today, the US market went wild as soon as Mars changed its house from Cancer to Leo. Todays move may surprise many new subscribers, but most of our members who have been subscribing to our letter for decades are aware and understand the importance of whenever we mentioned any important date or astro support level.

Mars changing its house will also be very positive for many individuals, and people should take advantage of this positive cycle. Today banking, tech and housing, are the three sectors that performed amazingly well as predicted. We expected a bullish trend in these three sectors from the 15th of September, and this bullish trend will continue from here onwards.

30 year bond lost huge value. Frontline currencies also lost value. Softs and grains traded mixed to negative as predicted, but energy rebounded from the lower levels as predicted. Metals remained directionless, and we are a bit concerned about the future coming trend in precious metals.

I still remember that few weeks back a lot of news and predictions was floating around about a crash in the market on the 15th of September, which turned out to be very bogus news, and we condemn this news a few weeks ago in one of our alerts. Fake and fraud people want to cash in on this kind of news, and many who find this news in their favor, they start forwarding it everywhere. Be aware of this next time.

We are 48 hours away from a historic fed decision. The astro cycles are moving in a very comfortable zone, which means that the markets are ready to move higher. We will send a small update after the fed decision on Thursday, and that may help you in making a short term decision. On Wednesday the positive trend in the market will continue, but some profit booking might come around the higher levels as investors would like to face the FED decision with lighter portfolios.

We humbly request as usual: Though we trust our members, if any of you are forwarding our letter, stop doing so and please tell whoever you are forwarding to, to subscribe to their own services. Please dont break the law of nature.

On Tuesday Mars will be changing its house from cancer to Leo at 9 am Santa Barbara time, or 12 pm New York time. This is a very important change in the astro theory, and this may support the market very aggressively in the coming time.  

This is what we mentioned 2 September: Tuesday stock prices lost value globally, and USA stocks also went down sharply. Yesterday night we sent a small alert recommending buying USA indexes on the lower sides and we still see that S&P wont be able to trade below 1923 for more than three days because this is the most important base line for S&P. This volatility is happening purely due to Mars and Mars will change its house on 15 September so acquire positions by accepting the fact that the market may remain volatile. This is one of the best times to acquire positions in the equity market.

Watch UVXY ultra volatile etf went sharply higher in the month of Mid-August from $25.00 to $86.00. Many bear etfs like RUSS and YANG are moving up crazily, shorts in these etfs shall provide year results in the next few months.

This is what we mentioned on 5 August: There is no doubt that the Cancer Mars can play the most aggressive role and I was scared last week because this market will remain in Cancer for the next five weeks.

This is what we mentioned four weeks ago on Wednesday (20th of May): Gold have been trading in range of $1225 to $1142 since one year after coming down from high of $1900 in 2011 which we predicted and since then we have been not recommending investing any money in metals and metal stocks. We are planning to recommend buying metals later this years which we already mentioned last year in Kitco interview and our website.

For medium and longer term traders trading range: Major support on down side will remain at $1180 and $1142, on higher side $1205. Breaking either side will confirm end bear of bullish trend.

Thirty year bond trading as predicted, but short term traders should close positions in TMT, TBT, and TTT. Also close positions in put options in futures markets.



Here are the trading ranges and strategies for Wednesday:

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