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Today's Trade & News

Here is Wednesday's flahsnews day trading for commodities, currencies & indexes..

Dear Members,

Strategy of Day trading for Wednesday’s, 21 March 2012

In this week weekly newsletter clearly mentioned that Monday to Wednesday all metals looks very uncertain or bit negative but from late Wednesday great buying opportunity is coming so start buying aggressively gold, silver, copper and platinum without fear either on late Wednesday or Thursday. Avoid palladium.

Here is Wednesday’s trading range:

GOLD: $1641.1 to $1663.20

SILVER: $31.78 TO $32.57

COPPER: $380.1 TO $387.1

PALLADIUM: $688 TO $703.90

PLATINUM: $1645 TO $1673


All major soft commodities remain sideways for Tuesday; buy cotton and coffee on Wednesday on predicted lower side range.

Here is Wednesday’s trading range:

COFFEE: $181.90 TO $185.20

COTTON: $87.38 TO $88.81

COCOA: $2321 TO $2401

SUGAR: $25.32 TO $25.86

ORNAGE JUICE:  $180.20 TO $173.20


We have experienced profit booking in indexes in the last two days as predicted in this week newsletter. Apple is wild card for USA market as since last three months Astro cycle is giving most amazing singles, we see apple keep taking markets higher. Don’t short tech stocks. Key name like Apple, Oracle, Microsoft, IBM, Intel and HP will hold Nasdaq very strongly.

If you want to make money then better you remain on right side of market.

Wednesday to Friday some positive momentum is indicating for merging market like, CHINA, INDIA, SOUTH AFRICA, RUSSIA and Brazil so one can add some positions in these markets.

In this week newsletter we recommended buying STP, it moved over 12% on Tuesday. I advise you to hold and buy UEC on Wednesday.

Keep adding FNMA and FMCC.

Natural gas UNG is great buy.

Here is Wednesday’s trading range:

AUSTRALIAN – 4289 to 4248

NIKKEI – 10012 TO 10132

NIFTY S&P (Spot) – 5245 to 5298

SINGAP0RE (Spot) – 3013 TO 2990

HONG KONG (June) - 20669 TO 20489

CAC – 3490 TO 3452

DAX – 7148 TO 7043

FTSE – 5890 TO 5834

S&P – 1407.75 TO 1392.50

NASDAQ – 2719 TO 2550

RUSSELL – 830.25 TO 817.25

DOW – 13201 TO 13069


Trade in and out in grains, add more wheat on Wednesday as our Astro cycle is giving very positive indications for wheat.

Here is day trading range for Wednesday’s:

CORN: $641 TO $652

WHEAT: $637.25 TO $650.5

RICE: $14.21 TO $14.55

SOY: $1336 TO $1353

SOY MEAL: $363 TO $368

SOY OIL: 54.90 TO $54.11


Our focus is on natural gas, so keep adding position on lower levels. Oil will trade sideways, so get in and out in oil.  Add Naturals gas and gas ETF’s.

Wednesday’s trading range for energy April contracts:

OIL: $104.65 to $107.03

NATURAL GAS: $2.30 to $2.39

TREASURY BOND – 135-01 TO 136-12


Trade in and out in currencies.

Wednesday’s trading range is here:

DOLLAR INDEX – 79.52 to 80.12

EURO – 1.3272 to 1.3177

AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR – 1.0451 to 1.0327

CANADIAN DOLLAR – 1.0112 to 1.0033

BRITISH POUND – 1.5903 to 1.5811

JAPANESE YEN – 1.1919 to 1.1989

SWISS FRANC – 1.1027 to 1.0921

RUPPEE – 50.52 to 50.03

RAND – 7.61 to 7.52

Big money can be made - Many are bit nervous in metals at this stage but you will see that suddenly positivity will come in precious metals from Thursday, don’t miss to buy on Wednesday.

Most of you are aware that we out book says bull market from gold and silver from 15 March 2012, and many must be concern that three trading sessions has got over but so far no sign of upside move. I trust my theory so let’s see what happened from late Wednesday or Thursday onward.

Wrong predictions:

  1. Dollar rise- dollar is still struggling
  2. We expected gold and silver to move sharply higher from 15 March 2012 but still both these metals are struggling. The last three trading sessions are over and still both these metals are struggling to move up. Globally, the metal community is watching our metals rising predictions very closely. We still believe that silver reaching $42.50 and gold $1823 by end of April prediction may come true. Gold at $1637 and silver $31.70 is good buy.

Accurate predictions - In the last fifteen years our best ten predictions; if investors could have followed seriously then they could have made a fortune:

1.     Tech bubble (1997-1999), predicted in 1996

2.     Tech crash of (2000), predicted in end of 1999

3.    Dollar fall, and buying Euro at 0.83 and predicted should reach 1.38, this was predicted in 2001

4.     Gold, silver, copper, platinum rise to multi fold, predicted in 2000/2001 in our books, website, GATA and many world renowned websites and media are witnessed. In fact our target was gold to reach $1600 and silver $50 when gold was $273 and silver $4.38.

5.     Oil reaching $100, predicted when it was $16.80 in 2000/2001

6.     Problem in housing and banking industry, predicted in 2005 (bit early)

7.     March 2009 call bottom of market, you can hear radio interview of Jack on our website

8.     2010 coffee bull market

9.     2010/11 European crises, crash of Swiss Franc

10. In 2011 October predicted S&P to bottom out and to start historic bull market with Japanese Nikkei


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma,

Tuesday 04.30 PM, 20 March 2012, Santa Barbara