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Today's Trade & News

Here is Wednesdays trading range...

Dear Friends,

Here is Wednesday's Flashnews with trading range which we sent on Tuesday. Most of predicted range came very accurate. Our news daily flashnews been gaining huge populairty. We send flashnews before opening of Asian markets.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra S harma

Dear Members,

I would like to remind you that we are in final week of uncertainty, in this week we will see rapid moved on both side, last two days we have seen huge move in oil and today we saw gold and S&P move. From next week it will be lot of fun to trade metals as well as all financial instruments as all major markets will be moving smoothly.

Except base metals daily trend came accurate but we were wrong on precious metals Tuesdays trend. I am not trusting gold and silver move of Tuesday, so be careful. I won’t recommend even to buy at lower lever if they fall during this week as let planets enter into safe zone. Gold won't able to break $1725 and silver $33.88. Sell base metals but soon platinum and palladium prices will start moving up with gold and silver, until then just focus on short term trading.

Here is Wednesday's range;

GOLD: $1712.90 to $1683

SILVER: $33.48 to $31.98

COPPER: $343.50 TO $334.20

PLATINUM: $1583 TO $$1559

PALLADIUM: $659 TO $634


S&P moved down with European markets, yesterday predicted range came very accurate, here is Wednesdays trading range:

NIKKEI – 8745 TO 8615

HONG KONG - 18982 TO 18610

CAC – 3177 TO 3115

DAX - 6057 TO 5958

FTSE – 5505 TO 5417

S&P - 1218 TO 1233

NASDAQ – 2304 TO 2348


Soft commodities traded weaker as mentioned; avoid soft commodities at this stage. Cotton has very limited on lower side so accumulate on weakness. Venus changing house will going to support cotton. Coffee crashed on Tuesday, our concern on coffee trend saved money to investors. Rest of soft commodities traded as predicted.

Here is Wednesday’s trading range:

COFFEE - $235.20.70 TO $240.10

COCOA - $2659 TO $2598

COTTON - $98.10 TO $100.60

SUGAR - $26.57 TO $27.39

ORANGE JUICE - $184.00 TO $179.10


Grains traded mix but we still a great buying opportunity in rice and wheat so accumulate position in both of these grains. Avoid corn and soy at this stage.

Here is Wednesday’s trading range:

CORN - $652 TO $641

SOY - $1225 TO $1248

WHEAT - $632.25 TO $648

RICE – 17.18 TO $17.61


Oil has achieved top but Mars is in negative zone which always bring volatility in oil prices so we won’t trade oil at this stage. Here is Wednesday’s trading range:

OIL - $94.35 TO $90.98

NATURAL GAS - $3.81 TO $3.98 (Looks like naturals gas will blow upside, buy gas today as after wheat and rice gas looks a great trade as Moon is supporting gas).


Tuesday currencies traded as predicted, here is Wednesdays trading range:

DOLLAR INDEX – 76.09 to 76.78

EURO – 1.3957 to 1.3848

AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR – 1.0388 to 1.0269

CANADIAN DOLLAR – 0.9852 to 0.9778

BRITISH POUND – 1.6059 to 1.5918

JAPANESE YEN – 1.3188 to 1.3118

SWISS FRANC – 1.1452 to 1.1357

RUPPEE – 49.32 to 49.55

RAND – 7.92 to 8.04


Treasury bond has moved up sharply on Tuesday as predicted, on Wednesday thirty years bond range will be – 140.30 to 139.02.


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

Predicted - Tuesday 5.00 pm Santa Barbara