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Today's Trade & News

Here is Yesterdays flashnews..

Dear Friends,

Here is yesterdays flashnes, you can see the power of planets, is any market indicators can predict better then this? I bow to nature and planets.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma


Dear Members,

This week we expected sideways or weaker trend in dollar index until Wednesday but from late Wednesday we are expecting turn around in dollar against British pound, Australian dollar and Canadian dollar. Euro and Swiss Franc will also remain weak.  USD index at 78.55 will be great buy. Australian and Canadian are ready to fall big.

Planetary position is not indicating any buying in metals and base metals, so keep building short position in precious metals. In this week newsletter we mentioned that metals may remain bit positive on Thursday and Friday but we don’t see that happening so expect gold and silver to fall big.

Note – Gold will remain worst performer among metals. Gold will see $1338 soon (even in this week is possible). Higher side for gold will be $1375.8 and silver $29.39 (already touched today). Among base metals copper will fall big as well from later day, in the next two days it can touch $427.80, higher side $445.80, which already touched today.

Oil is also ready to tank big from next week, this week oil may remain sideways but higher side for oil is very limited ($92.89 to $93.19 and these levels are great selling points).

All soft commodities looks very weak, but sugar and coffee can fall big. Cocoa and cotton can remain bit positive.

As we mentioned that grains may remain very volatile during this week as well as coming time due to weather related issue but I will advise to take sell position in grains from next week. Those who like to build short position should buy puts in soy. Corn will remain in our longer term buying list.

This week expected indexes to hit new high, and they did yesterday and still some positive trends we see. In the last few months buy FCEL, PLUG, VLNC, BLDP, SATC and QTWW has done extremely well (all these stocks are from alternative energy). This week we recommended buying HEV and URZ and both these stocks were on fire yesterday, HEV went up 30%, HEV has tie up Toyota on battery and electronic component.

Uranium stocks are keep making new high and we don’t see them stopping at this stage. They will outperform all area of investment.


Best Trades:

Buy Natural gas

Buy Treasury bonds

Buy Dollar index

Sell metals, soft commodities

Avoid  grains and oil for this week.

Index – Astro combinations for short, medium and longer term are very bullish for USA and European index.


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma, 19 Jan, 5.20 AM New York