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Here most important first part from this weeks weekly newsletter 25-29 August..

Weekly Newsletter from 25-29 August 2014

Must read first section word by word

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Dear Members,

Today once again we would like to remind you to remain focused and meditate regularly as this will guide you in the right direction. We are also recommend avoiding the noise of the market and dont read too many analysts work as this will confuse you. In September/October 2011 when S&P was 1100, we simply predicted it reaching 2000 to 2300 by 2014, and so far we are very close to this prediction. I am sure many of you must have made a fortune and if you havent after reading all these years newsletters then there must be some big issue either in your luck factor or decision making. If you havent benefited from our services in the last three years then you should stop subscribing to our services because our astro indicators were able to predict each weeks and every months move in most of the markets. I will to write something very important here below so please read line by line.  

My India trip was very hectic but I always enjoy the spiritual part of the trip. I was analyzing the astro cycles for the coming time and the same vague picture comes in front of me. My journey of understanding the astro cycle and its hidden impact on human behavior pattern have been very interesting. We always try to share with honesty whatever we see in future. I don’t how many of you take what I say seriously or follow what we write but let me tell you that I always write my weekly newsletter with a hundred percent without hiding anything. Surely our letters are purely focusing on the financial market, but we always try to put some essence of human behavior pattern and some principle of right and wrong in it. Most of you are wise but in your daily life you always forget some things due to so many commitments that you not able to perform 100%. Surely ones intensions should be right to get the final results in your favor or we can call “happy ending”.

Many people who know a little bit about India, the first picture comes into mind is about spirituality, Sadhus/Saints. In my recent trip I was reading a few articles about how a few of these Sadhu’s or religious gurus had started cheating people, which means breaking their trust or their identity. This always makes people angry and they stop following these people. History is witness that always a few people spoiled the name of entire communities, societies, certain cast’s or country. Hitler damaged the whole image of Germany and Germany went through the tough period to rebuild that trust. A few terrorists ruined the image of Islam, and a few spiritual or religious leaderssins made people keep a distance from religion or spirituality. In the same way a few judges, lawyers, doctors, political leaders bad act’s brings a questions mark in the common mans mind. In my subject, I can say that more than 95% astrologers dont do their job honestly and that is why the name of this beautiful subject is so bad. If I tell someone that I am an astrologer, people immediately get a negative image of astrologers or fortune tellers in their head, which is not very respectful.

The most important message: My Grandfather taught me astrology and told me, “Mahendra, you must carry this subject till last day of your life, it doesnt matter how much you have because this is the only subject which can give you access to the future, you can close your eyes and you will see future, and you can touch the future with your feelings.” He also told me, “Bring your feelings and tell truth after reading a chart, don’t worry about how many are following you, or how many are making mockery about you, just keep doing research on astrology.”

I kept my word, and though it has been very tough journey, I used to read peoples charts in early age and helped them financially at a young age, I started predicting about the world events but saw that there was no benefit to that because no one is taking any actions in advance after reading the predictions otherwise many unfortunate events could have been evaded. It was a sad day in 1991 when I got a vision about predicting on the financial market, and I started doing intense research and after five years in 1995 and the astro cycle gave me the first predictions of tech and technology bubble. In 2001 after 9/11 the saddest event of my life, and a few years after that event I stopped predicting world events in which peoples were dying. I saw the 9/11 events, (I stated in book in 2000 that People from Afghanistan will attack USA, and I also mentioned that the USA intelligence should watch Afghanistan very carefully), and what happened? No one took this message seriously, I felt that I am wasting my time and also I didnt want to be part of any sad predictions so I stopped writing about world events. Yes I made again predictions in 2004 book about Hurricane Katrina but there was no use. We stated that people should get away from the east coast as a devastating water related tragedy would kill thousands of people in July or August 2005. 

Anyway’s all this forced me towards doing financial astrology, and I am happy doing this job. As far as my knowledge I am doing this with honesty as usual. I dont know how many are benefiting but I dont see any complaints from my members so surely they must be doing fine.

There is a reason to start this letter in this fashion because we wanted to let you know that a great time era is coming for USA and the USA equity market. So far we were able to predict each move in S&P in the last three years. President Obama’s astro chart is positive, Janet Yellen's astro chart is positive and the USA astro chart is very positive. In 2011 we already predicted the housing bottoming out in 2012/2013; the unemployment rate falling below 6.00 in 2014; and corporate earnings would beat estimates. We saw a great era for USA from 2013 onward. USA astro chart has great fundamental support points and that is why this country is ruling the world economically and politically. No other country can match USA in terms of defense, financially, innovations, political weighted the on world and many other area.

In simple terms, in your family when a father or mother is having a good time from every angle then the whole family will have a great time. At this stage USA is going through a progressive time cycle so whoever follow USA will benefit. USA financial astro chart is about to enter the most amazing euphoria time cycle and this time cycle will last at least two years so dont miss the opportunity to take benefit. Most of you are aware that I dont write any predictions with love or hate, and the same applies for you so please dont invest with love or hate. Just follow the wave of nature cycle and invest in the areas where the astro indicators are favoring.

We are all aware that the market wont go up in one direction, it always gets corrected whenever any short term negative astro cycle comes and so far in the last seven years we have been able to predict every negative short term cycle.

What Investors must remembers: Since the last three years we have been talking about a bullish trend in equities but at the same time we also predicted that after this historic bull market we would see a huge fall. We also predicted that investors may lose everything if they remain ignorant. This crash can will be very nasty one, so it is important that you watch the market trend very carefully from 17 September 2016. Before this we didnt see any major corrections, and stocks will keep rising so any corrections should be taken as a buying opportunity until 17 September 2016.

We have had the most comfortable 25 months, and many stocks are undervalued. Still many financial and banking stocks are far below 2007; many tech stocks are still far below 2000 and the housing market is still 70% below from the pick of 2007. Financial and Tech stocks will rally in the coming time but the most unfortunate part will be in 2016/17 that government, Fed and big investors will lose control of the market and the market will exceed beyond anyones imagination which will trigger sell-off.  Anyway our letter will keep guiding you on any major on coming move. At this stage it is important that S&P breaks 1988 and starts trading above to give us relief because 1988 is most crucial level according to our astro chart.

Yes, sharing your profit with most needy around you, society and country is important, but at the same time doing good Karma and meditations is very important. Avoid negative thoughts and appreciate whoever is doing a good job.

We will continue on the same subject next week as I love talking about subjects that are parallel to market or which are directly or indirectly connected to market.

We are announcing a 33% discount on each service which means that for whatever period you subscribe you will get 33% extra time on that subscription.

For example if you subscribe 3 months service then you will get 1 month and if you subscribe one year then you will get four months subscription for free so total you will get 16 months services.

Subscribe One month

You will get extra 10 days

Total you will get 40 days

Subscription Three month

You will get extra 1 Month

Total you will get 4 months

Subscription Six month

You will get extra 2 Months

Total you will get 8 months

Subscription One Year

You will get extra 4 Months

Total you will get 16 months



Investors should pay attentions to USD because it is moving ahead very quietly. Commodities are falling gradually and stocks are gaining strength which clearly indicating that one of the best era is on the way for US assets.  

Here below detailed predictions for all major markets from 25-29 August 2014

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma