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Today's Trade & News

Here part of this week newsletter from 25-29 May 2020...

Dear Members,

On Tuesday we launch new services “Day Trading ranges letter” for every (big or small) investor which will help traders to make short term decisions on every financial instrument. Current special launching offer will expire on Sunday.

 Here is small part of this week’s weekly newsletter PDF File from 25-29 May 2020.

Detail about day trading letter:

Many visitors always complain that our services are expensive and they requesting us to come out with an economical subscription. I have been thinking and finally we are coming out with a Day-trading letter, which will guide investors about lows and highs in any market, commodities and currencies, and whether it will be a positive or negative day for that particular commodity, currency and market. If the market indicates positive then you shall buy around the lower side and if see weakness is indicated then one can sell on the higher side, and cover short once prices get achieved during the day.

This whole letter is made very simple by launching our Mobile app which will work on real time, subscribers will receive alerts as soon as price get achieved as predicted in the Day trading letter through mobile app. If you have downloaded our mobile app previously then please update or download again.

First letter of “Day Trading range” will start from tomorrow (Wednesday) so you start subscribing to this service under a special offer of one month at $199.00, from the next week this service will cost $299 so take advantage of the current introduction offer at $199.

One month $199, Three months $575, Six month $1101, one year $2099.

From next week the new subscriptions rate will be for One month $299, Three months $825, Six months $1695, one year $3255.

I am sure you will love this service if you follow day trading strategy, I wish you great luck. Here is Day trading subscriptions:

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma