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Here small part from last weeks weekly newsletter 8-12 June 2015..

Weekly Newsletter of 8-12 June, 2015

Get ready - We are about to finish the final phase of a steady bull market before we enter into bubble and euphoria erathis will all take place in the next 23 months


Dear Members,

The jobs data came out well but Wall-Street announced that they dont like it because it is confirming that a higher interest rates are coming. It is high time for Wall-Street to decide whether they want good job growth in USA or they want the economy to suffer so that the interest rate remains lower. According to us, Fridays Wall-Street behavior shows that they are acting selfish and greedy and thats the reason they need the punishment of higher interest rate as soon as possible. Soon this Punishment will be announced by the Scorpio Saturn. As I have mentioned many times in the past, the job of Saturn is to give punishment as it plays the role of the judge in an astro chart. Those people who short this market on fear of interest rates will not only miss the most powerful bull rally in the equity market but they will lose everything if they go against the market.

If I go step by step or if you open our weekly newsletter of last nine years then you will find each prediction very valuable. In 2006 we predicted that the crash of the market is on the way and in 2009 we predicted that the biggest bull market of history will start. We stated that this bull market will complete in five cycles. First cycle started on 6th of March 2009, which ended early 2010, second started in mid-2010 which ended in early 2011, the third one start in the third quarter of 2011 and ended in October 2012 and the fourth cycle started from 2013 and currently it is going on.

In the astro cycle, fourth and five cycles are the most powerful and they push any market very aggressively higher beyond anyones imagination. We are expecting this fourth cycle to end somewhere in end of April 2016 and then the final cycle will start around the third quarter of 2016 which will bring euphoria.

There is no doubt that current events and behavior patterns of planets are clearly indicating that the bullishness of the current running fourth cycle is about to start and this can push the market higher very aggressively by the end of this year and next year. It can easily push S&P towards 2578 to 2600. You have to play well because the North Node is bringing all kinds of confusion into the market. In 2013 we predicted that the rate rise would come from May 2015 onwards, and we mentioned the same in this years book 2015 Financial Predictions”. We also stated that the employment rate would drop below 6% in early 2015 which is already happening so if everything goes as per the astro cycle then this bullish cycle of USA market should start any time now.

Last weeks prediction of fall in metals did well, Thirty year is also behaving as per what we saw. How many analysts or economists on Wall-Street have been able to predict all these events far in advance in the last twenty years? I dont think anyone did because they are missing the astro cycle study and this study guides us in simple way about the behavior pattern of human beings.

I always get touched by this subject, I have put my life into it and I hope I will be able to pass on this subject to my son or anyone else. This is the most amazing subject which can reveal each events well in advance if you flow or walk along with the astro cycle. The day I depart from this planet, I might be very sad that my mission will remain incomplete because I am sure I wont be able to convince the masses about the astro cycle theory, and thats the reason masses were not able to take advantage of subject which was revealing future trend of market.

I am not saying that I am 100% accurate but so far we feel fortunate to see most of the longer term vague picture of future trends of all major markets.

Life time bullish pattern is about to begin in stocks: We are entering in to most interesting time of history because equity bubble is about to begin and after bubble we will see euphoria cycle in which common investors will become millionaires in overnight. Stay focus, remain humble and always do good Karma or help most needy of you can.


This week Newsletter from 8-12 June 2015

Important note:

It is not only important to just make money, but to know how to use it. If you use it right way then you will find it more money coming in your life. Dont spend the whole day thinking how you make money, make your life balanced in all areas and the hidden nature cycle will take care of you very well. I am learning the most interesting theory now about life, money, happiness, mind, heart and soul. It is an unbelievable feeling and excitement I am having. I dont know how to collect everything and present it to world, it is a very vast area to understand and if we fine tune our life with balance by inputting our mind, heart and soul then we can enter into the most unbelievable new hidden world and reveal most powerful secretes. If one can balance money and life on one path then results will be amazing.    


Last week metals lost value as predicted, and metal stocks also went down. Crucial time for metals have arrived after 14 years. In 2001 we came out with predictions of a bull market in gold and silver when gold was at $272 and silver $4.40 with first target of $450, second $1000 and third $1600, most of these target got achieved. In 2012 we recommended traders to stay away from metals and metal stocks once our $1600 target was achieved.

We are sure many of the metal investors got saved because we kept recommending not to put any money in metals in the last 3 years and we are not recommending any buying in metals at this stage.

Last week gold breached $1180 which clearly gives overall negative outlook for metals because $1180 is the most important astro support point. Another most crucial support will be at $1142 and if this level get breaks then it will be nightmare for metals investors as well as mining industry because then it will be difficult for metals to bounce back.

In Kitco interview and our book we mentioned that during fourth quarter gold and silver would act positively but at this stage we are not recommending buying any metals and wait for September outlook once Jupiter get change.

Surely watch $1180 level closely because if it fails to move above the level during this week then surely expect $1142 level very soon.

This week base metals and silver will follow gold so follow gold predictions for all major metals.

Monday to Mid-Wednesday we see weakness in metals but late Wednesday one can cover some short positions. Thursday metals will trade mixed and Friday weakness will come. Metal stocks will trade negative. No buying in metals and metal stocks is recommended, but surely one can cover some short positions at $1142 if you have aggressive shorts.

We still believe that gold can below four digit.

Last week GLL, DSLV and DUST have performed very well as predicted and we are strongly recommending to hold positions tightly in all these three etfs.

In short, one should stay away from any buying at this stage. Emerging market traders who trade metals in their own currency terms should be taking selling positions in metals in their currency terms as we see emerging market currencies gaining value for the medium and longer term. Metals will lose big value in terms of Rupee, Real, Peso and Rand. Dollar will keep gaining against GOLD and other metals. 

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Last week stock prices traded mix but most of tech stocks still outperformed the market. We highly recommend to follow our stocks report if you trade or invest in USA stocks. Three months back we strongly recommended buying cyber security stocks and last week again we recommended buying these stocks. Most of cyber security stocks performed extremely well during last week, in fact many closed all time high. It is most important sector so watch our recommended stocks closely or you can add for medium and longer term.

The most awaited Greece decisions got extended till 30 June and the hot Job report signaled that rate rise is on the way. There is no doubt that corporates enjoyed the historic low interest rate and at this stage it seems like the financial community is getting greedy or indirectly they are signaling that they want more time in the low interest environment.

Anyways get ready for a rate rise and we are not worried at all of the rate rise because the astro cycle is confirming 100% a bullish pattern in the coming time so no need to worry about the rate rise. Like for example, if I sell my newsletter at $50 but the value is not worth it and most of our predictions are wrong then what is the point even in buying at $50? The same way if astro cycle is indicating that markets are moving higher on rate rise then just enjoy the rate rise era with rise of equity market.

Surely there will be short term few days impact of rate rise on emerging market as well as commodities but slowly the emerging market will adopt USA rate but gold wont be able to handle the rate rise.

This time USA rate rise is coming as a historic event because most countries central banks are cutting rates but FED rates will gradually move higher. How come dollar will get cheaper, exporters are giving excuse that dollar rise is impacting but why dont they appreciate that they have enjoyed almost 0% rate and they have to have a strategy to win in all circumstances. Many companies able to play well and made huge positive impact on balance sheet.

Anyway, all these talks are for economists, my job is to read astro cycle and investors behavior pattern to predict future trend.

This week astro cycle clearly gives indications of the market trading with positive directions because S&P was able to hold 2088 last week. During this week the market will keep moving higher from Tuesday onwards so buy on Monday around the lower sides predicted ranges here below. Tuesday to Friday the market will keep moving higher. We wont be surprised at all if S&P moves toward 2045 to 2057 level which we predicted last week to get achieved by third week of June.

Globally other markets traded mixed to positive. Europe to emerging markets will keep moving higher during this week from Tuesday so its a great time to add positions in all major markets.

In the next 23 months S&P should achieve our predicted target of 3200 level which we predicted in February 2009. Get ready for S&P to move towards 3200 and NASDAQ 7000. We dont know how powerful the bubble or euphoria will be but chances are wide open for S&P to reach even 5000 and NSADAQ 10000 next three 23 months.

In the last six months we constantly recommended buying TMV, TTT and TBT, and now we recommend adding INDL, GREK, and BRZU for the next two years. These markets will start moving up from July as soon as Jupiter changes house from Cancer to Leo in the Vedic astro cycle. 

Humble request You can help to spread word out about our subject rather than forward our letter.

Here are Mondaysranges: (June contracts)

HONG KONG (cash) – 27500 to 27100

NIKKEI 20650 TO 20410

NIFTY S&P (Spot) – 8178 to 8081 Buy

CAC – 4957 TO 4860

DAX – 11330 TO 11100

DEX EURO STOXX – 3540 – 3470

FTSE – 6850 TO 6753

FTSE/JSE (Cash) – 49219 to 45729

S&P e-mini – 2105.75 TO 2084.00 Buy

NASDAQ 100 e-mini – 4509.50 TO 4460.25 Buy

RUSSELL e-mini – 1268.50 TO 1250.00 Buy

DOW e-mini – 17938 TO 17775 Buy

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In the last six months many of our members were taking bet of Thirty year on our recommendations but at the same time they were very much confused and nervous thats the reason most emails I receive asking about thirty year. Anyway since last one month not a single email I received about Thirty year which indicates that all is well and traders must have done well.

Last week Thirty year traded negative and achieved 151 level, one can book some part of profit but longer term traders should hold positions. This week Thirty year will trade mixed without any major move so trading in and out is recommended.

From late Monday we see some recovery coming in Thirty year. On Tuesday positive trend will continue. Wednesday and mid Thursday we see mixed trend but late Thursday will be selling time so dont miss the opportunity of selling. Book some profit in TMV, TBT and TTT, these trades have done very well for investors. At this stage medium term trading points will be 148 to 156 in thirty year.

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Last week softs rebounded strongly, especially coffee. Lumber and orange juice also moved higher but they are thinly traded softs so we dont recommend any trade in these two but we may recommend if we see any aggressive move. 

This week still you have great opportunity to acquire buying positions in sugar and cotton so one can start buying sugar and cotton on Monday around the lower sides and hold positions tightly for this week. Coffee moved up nicely and we recommend holding positions. Add more if it comes down to 129 level.

Cocoa is hanging around sideways, one can sell cocoa.

This week we recommend we Click here to subscribe weekly newsletter….




Last week grains also bottomed out though soy will still take some time but no need to short as last week we already recommended covering all shorts in grains on Monday and we advise you to buy corn and wheat.

We mentioned that corn is not going below $345, wheat $555 and soy $920 and so far this has proven very accurate and we still believe that grains wont trade below these levels. Many analysts are calling last weeks bounce in grains as a dead cat bouncebut at this stage dont think that way because the same people were very bullish when grains we nearer to high during 2013 and we predicted fall in grain prices when soy was at $1700.

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Last week oil prices traded as predicted, $57 so far has proven as a great support point as oil bounced back after touching $57.00 on Friday. Though our view is not very positive for heating oil and RB gas but surely we strongly recommend buying Natural gas from 14 June as natural gas may rise 20 to 25% in the month July and August. Down side from current prices is very limited so the risk reward ratio is higher.

So far the astro cycles have guided us very clearly on oil and energy stocks. We still dont recommend any buying in energy stocks for the longer term but surely short term both sides move may come.

This week we see oil prices trading Click here to subscribe weekly newsletter….



Last week currencies traded very volatile. Dollar refused to go lower than 93.50 and this level will remain crucial. Those who are thinking that euro has bottomed are making a mistake as euro is in longer term bear market but in the short term volatility will continue in currencies market.

Since the last two months we have been recommending buying Click here to subscribe weekly newsletter….


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma  

Sunday 3.00 PM Santa Barbara, 7 June 2015.