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Here small part of this weeks weekly newsletter...why and how world will change in the next 50 years learn from financial astrology

Weekly Newsletter from 2 - 6 Dec 2019

We are in the final month of 2020…billion of dollar wealth created in 2019…


Dear Members,

Traders and investors have many questions at this stage because the market Picture 1continuously gained value for the more than 10 years with small three corrections happening in between. Many analysts started writing about the longer-term bear market, which I don’t see at this stage, but corrections are surely part of the markets trend, and if the overall astro combinations are great then every correction should be taken as a buying opportunity. Over the last ten years our predicting theory was so successful because we recommended buying on every correction.

It doesn’t matter how smart someone is in understanding the economy, Technicals analysis, and fundamentals, but if they don’t have the wisdom to see what’s coming, then all areas of expertise are useless. Fifty year ago, Warren Buffet had the vision about the world’s economy growing, and companies growing globally made him remain invested in quality companies, and he become one of the greatest investors of all time.

After 2009, global economics changed in a different direction because suddenly technology took over the world, and tech entered the hearts of every human beings’, and became a necessity in everyone’s daily lives. In the morning we start our phone and it is with us till we go to sleep. We spend more time with our phones than we do with our wives, children, or parents. We won’t get a health checkup as frequently as we update our phones.

New technology just keeps developing every single day, which means that this century will be dominated by technology, so investments in it will provide amazing returns in the many decades to come before something else comes.

My favorites are two areas, the first one is technology and second one is health care (pharmaceutical, biotech, etc.). In 2012/13 when I started recommending biotech stocks as well as health care stocks, I knew these sectors would grow in multi folds. In early 2013 I recommended DXCM, at around $14.00 because it was a diabetic monitor. The stock created history and today it’s trading at $228, just because of one small product that is a glucose monitoring device.

I am not worried about any major correction in the market because every correction will provide you with a great opportunity to invest. I won’t surprise at all if NSADAQ goes to 35000 or even 50000 in the next ten to fifteen years. Surely 2023/24 will remain the most crucial ones, but after that a new game in the market will start.

Remaining in a present state of mind is the most important thing and that’s the reason I recommend meditating. When I was young and living in a small village in India in 1979, I was visualizing new technology like handset talking devices globally, Gasless car, and flying cars. At the age of 12 I saw the world changing dramatically.

Yes, there must be some negative effects on human life because nature keeps everything in a balance. Letting our lives be run by or be dependent on technology will damage the essential values of feeling, love, emotion, and caring. Life will become self-centered, and people won’t like to have children. The institution of marriage will end, and the world population will drop drastically. Clone systems will be introduced, and children will be born through biotechnology and people will adopt them.

Basically, the most important genes of humanity will end with in the next few generations, and 50 years after that clones will take place. African and third world countries will still have family systems, but the rest of the world will start falling apart. Yes, I sound very scary, but this will be part of the coming changes, and we humans will adopt it very happily and easily like how we do with other things.

Important note: At this stage Crypto is not in our buying list at all, so be aware about this technology and many other new technologies that will come out trying to attract investors by making them believe that they hold real value and are safe. My book will have a section on Crypto currency so get ready to read that section.

Anyways, I want to come back to the weekly newsletter, because at this stage we all care that how we are going to make money so that we can take care of ourselves and help needy.

Listens to latest interview which is published at Amazon Prime:

Here is weekly newsletter from 2-6 December from Metals, markets, energy, currencies, grains, softs and bond trading strategy for this week: Click here to read most exciting theory which can guide on Sunday what will going to happen throughout the week, best rated financial letter for the last two decades:

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma