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Today's Trade & News

Here what we have been predicting about Euro and USD..

Dear Members,

USD index hit 100 mark today which is unbelievable move according to many because eight month back euro was at 1.39. Most of our member have been witnessed this rising but those who are not subscriber of our letters can go through our letter of what we have been stating for dollar since last nine months.

We kept recommending selling euro from 1.3900 which target of 1.1700 in 2014, 0.83 in the two years and 0.50 three to five years. You can go through every week newsletter since May 2014 why we were so negative about Euro.  

Here are few letters we are posting for review:

5-9 May 2014 weekly newsletter: Here is PDF FILE

What we mentioned in last year book:

Thanks & God Bless


Mahendra Sharma