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Today's Trade & News

Hidden indications from planet on market.....

Dear Friends,

Here is small part from this week newsletter:


Dear Members,

Last week currency markets remained very volatile as traders were focusing on Greece; EU looks committed to bailout Greece as they didn’t want any panicky environment in the EU zone. Dollar and gold which were both considered as safe haven reacted negatively on Greece positive outcome.

Stock market remained positive, alternative energy stocks started moving in upward directions. Precious metal stocks remained in pressure but base metals acted in an opposite way as positive sentiment in markets after Greece.

Grains traded worst, many traders lost huge money on buying of grain or on holding of grain positions. Fundamentals of grains look very supportive but price movements are not supporting. Astrological combinations are not showing any support for grains and that’s the reason we kept predicting weakness in grains.

 Soft commodities remained directionless and thirty year bond prices started dropping. Last three days I received many mails regarding weakness in gold prices as in the last many years gold traders have never seen gold this negatively when dollar is at around historic low and my answer was “current planetary positions are negative”.

Once again let me explain to you in brief, how planets affect the markets. We are living in a world where our life is dependent on nature (air, water, fire, earth, sky-sun). One will remain the same person, but their mood, temper, happiness, sadness or nature will keep changing in their daily life. It means that something is affecting you, your behavior pattern keep changing from within though you remain the same person. This happens because of hidden power of energy movement, which is happening every second. Knowingly or unknowingly you fell in trap or you follow natures flow.

In the same way financial markets is a thing which is connected in your life if you connect with it, as with any other thing you do in daily life. In each and every move or decision that is taken by your brain, heart and mind just do small job of approving and then reacting. If your decision is good you feel happy, excited, or even dissatisfied that you should have done more. When your decision is worng you feel angry, regrate and disappointed. 

Financial market where millions of people are trading, everyone has their own strategy, when you thinking of buying gold at the same time that many are thinking of selling, means at same time millions are brains working. We all know that outcome will be different for everyone.

Here we divide this into two parts – first you yourself and market. You have your destiny because you are born on certain day, time and place so whatever planetary positions was there you are that. Current planetary movements give you ups and downs and that is why life never remains the same. All personal decision you makes and sometime family but in financial market you don’t have control because millions of people are taking decision same time.  When more than 70% people and weigh of value on one side that market moves on that side. The brain represents psychology, and psychology creates a sentiment but we are all different from each other so everyone won’t be in one side there are people they will have their different views and luck. Same way when I read financial market movements or any commodity movements, I first considered planets move on which side so that should be favorable and if planets are not supporting that particular commodity means many will try to keep themselves away from that particular commodities. Here lucky once will avoid and those who are are running into inegative cycle will get in trap. 

Like currently many big traders who where all out to buy gold may now be staying sideline and this is forcing gold prices to remain subdue because currently except Jupiter none of the other planets are supporting gold so attraction or magnet grip is getting loose so gold is losing strength.    

There are so many astro points which we can talk about on financial market and planets. What I mentioned above here is something very basic. Whenever I am wrong means I am not able to see clearly what planets are indicating.

I have seen that in dollar predictions I am wrong because dollar is a basket of many currencies so it is not independent. Like if Euro is down but yen, Franc and Pound move up, the dollar moves. Today writing this letter has solved mystery of dollar predictions. Major move in dollar index is still decided by Euro because its trade weighs 57.6% but still 42.4% other currencies. Now from here onward I hope our dollar predictions will come to be more accurate.


Let’s see what this week indicates for all major markets: Monday is holiday in USA so many future markets will not trade but electronic trading will be on.

Weekly newsletter from 4-8 July



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Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma