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Weekly Newsletter of 13 - 17 July, 2015

Clear picture of EU and Greece: We may have to wait until 14 July for Jupiter to change house


Dear Members,

The recent development of Greece started with a fulfilling commitment of debt payment, the Greece Prime Minister taking everything towards the referendum, and then the new offer. The European Union found themselves cornered with frustrations. This drama is still going on— the Greek people would love to remain in the EU and would also like to use Euro or keep Euro as their currency, but the majority are disagreeing on the strict reform deal from the EU. This is the third time the EU is planning to help Greece.

After all this drama, we may see the final time that the EU will help Greece with this certain program and they will start making a parallel plan of how to kick out countries which are not following the guidelines of repayment after bailout. This Greek episode will help the EU ministers keep the plans ready in the future with any country if a situations like this arrives again. At this stage, Greece doesnt have any currency if the EU kicks them out, which the IMF might not agree with— but now it’s getting clearer that many countries will get kicked out from the EU if they fail on any ground.

Take our word - we believe that this will be the final help to Greece or to any European Union country. In the future, when this kind of situation arises, then you should take bets against the market because Euro nations will decrease. We don’t see any great future for the EU in the longer term, so the EU and EURO might die and many new things will be reborn like the East Euro Zone, South, North and West, or something else. Germany will surely like to come out of all this mess by the end of 2021. 

During the time that I am writing this letter, the European finance minister hasnt yet decided any deal for Greece, but it looks like they will decide on a very strict deal by Sunday, and it will have an agreement that if fulfilled in the future, Greece will be thrown out of the EU without any further negotiations. This gives clearance that the Debt will be in the market for sale and countries like Russia will be the most interested in buying. Anyway, at this stage, we see unwanted deals by the EU for Greece, which will get approved by mid-Sunday in Europe.

Last week, the markets traded very volatile— China and Greece dominated the trading floor. The China correction was overdone, and we are sure many of you must have bought positions in Chinese ETFs like YINN, which moved up 28% in the last three trading sessions from a low of $26.00. We are strongly recommending buying the Chinese market on any weakness for the medium and longer terms for at least two years. Shanghai will not only touch 5000 back, but it may move towards 7500, so dont miss any trades in this.

USA and European markets struggled or remained in a volatile trend during the last week after the vote. We still dont believe that the EU would like to keep Greece in the EU. Anyway, history says that where there is destruction, there is always opportunity. In March 2009, the world market got destroyed and those who started buying made a fortune because stocks went from 5 to 30 folds in the last six years.

Understanding the planetary moves: Whenever any powerful planet (Saturn, Jupiter and the North Node) takes control of any market and starts marching ahead in this situations, either the other planet joins or gives way; slowly trends move in one direction. This is purely to help predict a long-term move for any market. During this one-sided rising journey, things get paused for the short term whenever a leading planet either becomes retro, exalted, combusts with enemy planet. During this circumstances we see the market either taking a pause, or turning volatile or a fall. For example this kind of trend took place with gold from 2001 to 2011 and S&P from 2009. The leading planet will continue to move ahead in the same direction till early 2017.

If the leading planet changes houses and moves away from the direction, then it will be the end of the bull era.  

If the short-term planets join tighter, it will bring a pop or artificial sharp up in the longer term bear markets and a sharp fall from the longer term bull market.

Jupiter will be changing houses on the 14th of July; it changes zodiac houses after every 13 months. It is a major planet and very capable of bringing movements in any market. Surely for the first few months this wont create any trend because it takes some time to guide it to the correct path but we have noticed that as soon as Jupiter changes houses, it will give some kind of indication.

This Jupiter may bring new developments in individuals’ lives; many will able to make new decisions, for many people’s wealth will improve, for many a new life-lasting relationship will start, a new venture or business will start, and this Jupiter will be very favorable for the financial industry (Banks, institutions, stock exchanges, broking houses, and financial consultation businesses, etc.).

In the Vedic astro chart, Jupiter will be moving out of Cancer and moving into Leo. Last year, Jupiter moved into the house of cancer which represents the oil market. It destroyed the oil trend without any major recovery in the last 13 months. Jupiter changing houses will surely give some relief to energy traders. 

Jupiter entering in Leo may start supporting metal trends if the month of September remains positive for metals. If Jupiter fails to rescue gold, then you should forget about investing in gold and mining stocks for at least eight years as metals can enter into the longer term bear cycle.  

Jupiter also represents the currency market and we may see stability in the market trends rather than big volatility. Some important decisions could be made in the currency trading system or to curb volatility.

Jupiter also represents the Bond market; Leo Jupiter can damage the bond market trend in the next thirteen months.

Important note: In the next two months you will get a very clear picture of the next thirteen months’ trends. Our answer and view will get clearer in the coming time about metals because Jupiter is very important for the metal market trends. We believe Jupiter will keep supporting the bull market trend of equity— Jupiter will create a very positive environment for the banking stocks. You can start buying dead banking stocks in countries like Greece, Russia, Portugal, Italy, Costa Rica, Brazil or any other countries where banking stocks were at the bottom. Buying banking stocks will provide you with windfall so this is the time to make a fortune. USA, European Chinese, India, and other nations‘ banking stocks will rock. We also recommend buying housing stocks from the end of October.   

The measures submitted in the latest Greek document include: (By BBC)

        a tax rise on shipping companies

        unifying VAT rates at a standard 23%; including restaurants and catering

        phasing out the solidarity grant for pensioners by 2019

        €300m ($332m; £216m) defense spending cuts by 2016

        Privatization of ports and sell-off of remaining shares in telecoms giant OTE


1.      scrapping the 30% tax break for the wealthiest islands

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