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Today's Trade & News

I came wrong, may be nature has something else in mind...

Dear Members,

At stage, it looks like that Turmp winning elections as per CNN. I came 100% wrong on elections predictions, may be nature wants something else for USA and world. I am scare for world but pray that everything will go well. Markets are big down and we recommend stay sideline. Bull market era ended today which I call in 2009. Stay away, don’t put any signal dollar in market. I kept mentioning that if Trump wins than bull era of market would end soon. Wait for next week newsletter.  

Metal are trading higher but we don’t see gold remaining higher so gold will be great sell on rising, wait for tomorrow to sell.

Dollar trading negative at important level of 96.25.

Thirty Year bond will remain high for few days but great time to build sell positions.

This was my last predictions about geo-politics and I will never predict any more predictions on any elections from here to till last day of my lifetime. I was wrong about Mugabe and I am wrong about Trump. 

Thanks & God Bless


Mahendra Sharma