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Today's Trade & News

Important alert on gold, oil and market...get ready to take trades...

Dear Member's

Since early October gold has been in our buying list from $1182 with target of $1248 and $1283 level so keep this in mind. Last week of December, which is starting from tomorrow will achieve our target of $1283 level. 

After seven years of calling bear market in gold, first time this year October onward we started recommending buying. Profit booking around $1281 will be good strategy but 2019 will be most interesting one. 

Another best trade we recommended was selling oil at $73.78 level with lower side target of $48.88, $45.78 and $43.88 level, two lower side targets got achieved and now we are recovering 100% covering short in oil. 

Short in ERX was recommended at $40.00, no it is around $15.00 so cover 100% short and time to take long positions.

Market are trading very volatile, S&P breached 2451 level and Nifty 10775, but these levels are buying level. We are recommending buying market these levels. Major movement will take place on From Wednesday to Friday. Monday mix kind of trend is indicating. Tuesday most of market will remain close for Christmas holiday.

Wait for major fall in USD.

Most visitor are not aware what we are talking in the weekly newsletter and Daily Flashnews; so it is not fair of them to send me negative emails without knowing exactly what I am predicting. A few people said that I recommended buying oil, which I did not. Many also said I recommended selling gold... I recommended selling Oil at $73.88 and buying Gold at $1182. 

This year book "2019 Financial Predictions" will be out on 16 January 2019.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma 

23 Dec 2018, 3.00 PM Santa Barbara