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Today's Trade & News

Important alert: Predictions and your actions in markets and commodities from here onward after Russia invade Ukraine...

Dear Members,

Finally Russia Invaded Ukraine on Scorpio Moon, Wednesday and Thursday were crucial as mentioned in the letter. Yesterday when I was writing flashnews for Thursday, an invasion started but I was nervous because of Scorpio Moon but I am not that much worried about overall situations as it is matter between Ukraine and Russia, so financial markets will rebound big soon.

It is Wednesday night 2.30 AM in Santa Barbara and I just got up to write this alert, Though I hate to predict about war and killing, just I wanted to let you know what will happen next from here onward in financial markets, commodity markets and currencies.

This is what we stated on Wednesday when sent out today's flashnews:

Scorpio Moon playing huge rules and supporting volatility…


Dear Members,

On Wednesday USA and European markets opened higher but then started losing value and closed sharply lower. S&P and NASDAQ just closed at low of 2022 and so now it will be interesting to see whether both these indexes hold our predicted lows or they close below predicted lows for the next three to five days. We also remember that another 10 to 12 days of uncertain trend is pending but surely markets have either bottomed out today or close to bottoming out soon, another one to three percent down side is pending which is irrelevant if you look at medium to longer term trend.

Always I stated that Scorpio Moon misguide investors most of the time, it represents the false picture about financial market so basically it guide you in the wrong directions and investors failed to take right decisions during the Scorpio Moon day, and that is why I always stated “I hate to guide you and hate to write letter on Scorpio Moon”, I always recommended to stay sideline during the Scorpio Moon day and finishing pending work, because it can punish bear and bull both, like Wednesday bull got punish and today "Thursday" bear may get punish.  

This above part is taken today's daily flashnews letter but it is important what is next now for financial market and world at large, where this crisis will escalate and turn into third world war or everything will be settle down so here is our view:

1.     Russia invades Ukraine on Scorpio Moon day, which confirms that this crisis will continue for the next 27 days. The Invasion started on Scorpio Moon which means there will be more casualties and people can die then I expected, because I expected smooth invasions without any bloodshed. 

2.     Ukraine was invaded on Scorpio Moon which means that the current regime may lose power or political changes will take place as predicted this week and last week. Small break-up will take place in Ukraine. 

3.     Western world won't be able to do much except sanctions but if they send military forces along with NATO, then I recommend getting out of the market as it can turn into the worst war situations which still I don't see this happening at all. ON Friday morning in Asia Scorpio Moon will end which may give signs of hope and relief. 

4.     Overall we predict this crisis will be over in 27 days so some kind of agreement will take place.

5. As mentioned in this year book that from end of April world will become normal place, or crises like Covid-19 and all uncertainty will get over, so happy period is starting for investors from April and we may see one side rally global markets. 


For financial markets:

1.     Metals are a positive trend and gold achieved our higher side target of this week $1969 as mentioned in the weekly newsletter. Silver also achieved our higher side targets. Currently oil is trading at $1972 and silver $25.55 levels, these are great profit booking level in gold and silver, close positions. Overview is extremely bullish in precious metals in 2022 as mentioned in this year's book from April, specially Silver from end of April 2022 so keep this in mind.

2.     In this week's letter we mentioned that Base metals may move higher until Thursday and we recommended closing long on either Thursday or Friday. Close long in most of the base metals by tomorrow or even today. We also recommended selling palladium on Friday so take sell positions.

3.     Oil prices moved higher on Scorpio Moon on Russia news, right now oil is trading around $100 and it is a great sell as the astro cycle is showing its worst bear market for oil in 2022 and specially from April onward. Oil may lose 38% or more value from April. Thursday and Friday one can take short in oil or buy put options of May and June. Even short term traders can buy some put options in oil. We still don't see oil remaining above $92.78 level, or 96.78 for more than five days in 2022 so keep this prediction in mind. Natural Gas can move higher as it is our one of the favorite trade of 2022.  

4.     The Global market will be very volatile for the next 18 hours but the lower side of Thursday is a great buying opportunity in markets so start buying right now but I will recommend doing it carefully because it is Scorpio Moon day so make any bet carefully but do it for sure. Scorpio Moon will end on Friday morning in Asia so it is a great time to add more bet on Friday as a rebound will take place again, We are recommending getting in aggressive buy on Monday of next week but play with call options as the next ten to 12 days are volatile as mentioned in the letter.

5.     Grains are moving sharply higher, though our view is positive for the 2022 but current are suggesting that top have been achieved today specially in Soy products. One can sell or short Soy around $1725. Close long in corn and wheat but don’t short.

6.     Cash in from commodities including grains, base metals and oil, oil is in our short list, put this money in stocks on Thursday, Friday and Monday, these kinds of buying opportunities in stocks and Indexes you won’t get again.


Important note: As I always mentioned that I hate to predict Scorpio Moon day but because of huge demand from members so I am sending this alert. I will put out a new alert on Friday, as my accuracy level on Scorpio moon is not that great. I will be buying stocks and selling commodities for the next three days continuously. What a buy in S&P at 4111, NASDAQ 13045. We may go all in with all our traders during the next week starting from today. 

Next week weekly newsletter will be one of the most important letter which I may start writing once Scorpio Moon end tomorrow because many great investment trades are available like in March 2020 and March 2009.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

2.30 AM Wednesday