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Today's Trade & News

Important alert - Silver trading strategy for the next three months, Monday to Wednesday silver traded as predicted but now fortune could be made in silver in the next...

Dear Members,

In this week's weekly newsletter we recommended buying silver around lower or in USA trading sessions on Wednesday, so get ready to take some aggressive long positions. Monday and Tuesday we expected both side trends in silver and gold.

One can buy AGQ leverage etfs, or buy call options in AGQ or less leverage etf SLV, if you are planning to buy call options then buy for September expiry.

Silver will outperform gold so keep this in mind. Put more investment in silver positions. Trading futures is very risky to keep in mind that on the lower side in the worst case scenario it may test $27.21 in the next three months and on the higher side we expect 25% minimum upside move. As per our weekly newsletter our overall targets are very high for silver.

I will wait and see whether silver creates history or whether it moves to historic high prices or not. Follow our weekly newsletter carefully at least for the next three months and we are sure many of you may make life time money in silver and many of you can retire from silver trade if my predictions come true.

Those who don't like to trade futures, they can buy call options of Strike $30.00 and $32.00 for September expiry.

One can also buy Silver stocks, those who just like to take trade in stocks.

Keep following daily flash news and weekly newsletter. Daily flashnews ranges are mostly very accurate. Like today on the lower side we expected $27.79 level, which was already achieved a few hours back and now I am waiting for the higher side level to get achieved which shall be $28.29 to $28.41.

Friday lithium, Graphite and Cobalt stocks to start moving aggressively higher. Many of these stocks can have huge rallies in the next three months. Buy LIACF, CMCLF and LIT. Our small note E-car, Lithium, Graphite and Cobalt stocks will be out late today.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma