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Today's Trade & News

Important alert: Today 21 and tomorrow 22 April is the most important days of 2022 for the market and commodities…

Dear Members,

As per our theory, today and tomorrow are the most important days for markets and commodities of 2022. If the market fails to rise today on Thursday and Friday then we may see big uncertainty developing but the chances of weakness are 0.01% which means the market will gain value and will close in green.

Whichever commodities trade negative on Thursday and Friday that commodity will make the short-term top. Gold and silver closing negative will be bad news for the next three weeks and the same applies to other commodities.

Thirty-Year bond bottomed at 138-00 yesterday and the dollar top out at 101.75 as predicted so these both levels are very important for Bond and dollar.

We see a mega rally for the market, ignore weakness as this is a great buying opportunity in markets as we believe NASDAQ will test 50000 from 14000 in the time frame as predicted in our weekly newsletter.

Important note: We see one major correction is expected in commodities in the next three weeks and after that rising trend will start in silver from the end of May 2022.

Buy SOXL, TQQQ, UPRO, and TNA. Buy gold and silver around today’s lower side level mentioned in Thursday’s daily Flash news.

Also, we have been predicting the end of the Covid-19 era in April and the end of the Ukraine/Russia war in the few weeks so get ready for this big official news. 

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma