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Today's Trade & News

Important Predictions: Major crash in base metals and crypto on the way...Gold and silver are grains, energy, market & currencies...

Dear Members,

Markets may trade volatile from here onward so remain short term trader and one can take small long positions in UVXY. Though we don’t see any major corrections but neither we see many major rise in the short term.

On other hand sell base metals like Copper, Palladium and Iron Ore and buy some aggressive long in Gold and silver as we see big price movement is on the way and silver may test first $33.78 and Gold $1988 level very quickly.

Coffee buying recommendations have done very well, stay long. Our recommendations in shorting Lumber also done amazingly well as it collapsed from $1734 to $1264 in the seven trading days, we still further weakness.

Avoid any buying in grains for the short term.

Crypto crash started as predicted and more pain is on the way. 

Watch currencies closely as prices may achieve top very soon, watch dollar Index level 89.39 level as it is our buying level.

Thanks & God BLESS

Mahendra Sharma