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Today's Trade & News

Important trades for the next 48 hours trading - Metals, market, mega move Indian stocks list..

Dear Members,

Precious metals are acting very positive as predicted. Today Fed meeting and we are recommending buy precious metals after FED meeting on any weakness. Must read weekly newsletter as if metals trade as predicted in the weekly newsletter than gold can move 10 to 15% higher and silver can 30% higher.  

Stay long in market as predicted, buy global market globally. Stay long in FDX and UPS, FDX moved sharply higher after earning announcement in the evening of Tuesday. Covid-19 stocks are coming back big way, stay long as more fire work is pending. European markets can move further higher along with Nikkei. i highly recommended reading weekly newsletter to daily flashnews. 

Indian market is moving as predicted, INDL is in our buying list. Most of our favorite recommended Indian stocks are performing well. Some new recommendations we released and they Transpek ind, Hindustan Food, Laurus Lab, Stride, Camline Fine, Tyche Ind. We highly recommend subscribing Indian letter for Daily report. 

Currencies will come in our selling list in the 48 hours, so get ready to build aggressive short but emerging market currencies looks far better, one can book some profit as they have performed well.

Grains and softs are acting mix stay away for the sometime.

Oil will act mix so trade in and out, dont short oil.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma