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Today's Trade & News

These stocks will going to blow upside..Important trades for Thursday in oil, metals, currencies, stocks, etfs, S&P & NASDAQ...

Dear Members,

On Monday market traded mixed, on Tuesday they went higher and on Wednesday the market moved down as predicted. Our weekly and Daily letter has been guiding members in the right directions. We expect markets to move higher on Thursday and so far Asian and European markets are acting well.

At this stage 2721 and 2871 levels are key ones; we expect S&P to move on both sides before it breaks either side. There are more chances that the market may move on the higher sides.

Yesterday Health care, NFLX, RNG, UNH, CNC, HUM, AMZN, ALNY, TSLA and many of our favorite stocks performed well and keep performing well.

One thing we all are aware about is that any company which comes out curing Coronavirus will move in minimum 10 to 50 folds within a few trading days. I am doing an in-depth study regarding which company could come out with a drug and vaccine and you will be the first one to know as soon as I find out any name by astro study. Must of you aware that GILD is our favorite one. 

On the other hand, today we recommended buying oil around the lower side so don’t miss any buying opportunity. Oil has been trading as we predicted, and I don’t see oil going below $18.81 level so plan your trades accordingly.

Metals are in our selling list at higher except Gold and remain short term trade in gold, $1778 (June future) is crucial higher side level which astro resistance level. Future and spot prices have a huge difference so take advantage if you have deep pockets.

Grains and softs are still one week away from buying time.

Currencies are trading as predicted. Buy Emerging market currencies and sell frontline currencies. ETFs like INDL, MEXX, BRZU, TQQQ, UCO, ERX can provide nice returns.

Yesterday JNJ buying recommendations did well, please follow Daily Stock Report to trade on specific stocks on earnings. Next week tech companies will start announcing earnings so get ready for a fun time as we always predicted how key stocks will perform after earning announcement so get ready to take some short term bet on stocks like AMZN, NFLX, APPLE, MSFT, GOOGLE etf….

For Daily and weekly trends you can subscribe to the daily flashnews or weekly newsletter report if you wish to.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma of

15 April 2020, 2.30 PST time