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India is on verge of collapse?

India is on verge of collapse

Dear Member’s

Since last eight months I have been concerned about India. Today, again I decided to read wave of nature/Astro cycle chart for India. In my recent book I clearly mentioned that India Market would underperform compare to the world equity markets. Investing in S&P and US stocks advised proven one of the best so far in 2012. Currently I am reading India’s Astro/Wave of nature cycles and prediction article will be ready within few days.

Its’ looks like Indian economy scary news can make world scare, it can make nervous everyone. I issue a warning to those who are holding investment in India, in Indian real-estate market, equity market, bonds and Rupee to watch their investment closely as these assets can tumble over night. It can create havoc in world financial market.

This is most scary story is developing in the World Astro cycle, and India can take place of center point and start taking world into big scary whole, I don’t know how world market will react to this so please give me few days before I complete my study and publish article in the next week’s weekly  newsletter. I hope my detail study study give differnt picture, as I don't want to see India falling apart.

I warn Indian investors to stay away ffrom all investments class like, equity, Rupee, real-estate and metals as these all assets may collapse. Big corporate, banks or business houses may fail, most scary scenario can emerge. I will be watching next 48 hours very closely with wave/astro cycle before I put everything on paper and release it.

Last week on Wednesday we released alert recommending, staying away from all investments, like equity, oil and metals for the next five days. Tomorrow is fifth day and would like to see how next two days perform. Below here is alert.

Thanks & God Bless, Mahendra Sharma

Tuesday, 9.00 AM Santa Barbara, Date: 8 May 2012

Read last week alert: