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Today's Trade & News

Indian market outlook and stocks recommendations, first target achieved and now we are toward Nifty 21000...why we warn about Adani stocks in 2022...

Dear Members,

In 2012 we started the Indian letter after tons of requests from the Indian investment community. Our Indian letter became very popular among high-net-worth individuals and elite investment groups in India as well as amongst various financial institutions. I thank every individual who believed in our theory and made our theory an important part of their investment and trading strategy.  

Our Indian stock recommendations have done very well, and traders have made great returns.  Even this year’s buying recommendations in Olectra, JBM Tools, Axiscade, Reliance, ITC, DATA Pattern, Focus light, Arrow Greentech, Tata Coffee, Stride, Tanla, TATA Comm, Cyient, Bajaj Auto, BHEL, HBL POWER, and many hundreds of recommended stocks have done very well in 2023 or from 2012.

Early this year we already predicted 21000 for Nifty so remain watchful. We have been recommending not to short Nifty at any level since early this year. In fact, we have been recommending buying Nifty since it tested 7800 during the covid era, and at the same time, we mentioned that it is heading towards a historic high with targets of 15000, 21000, and 35000. The first target has already been achieved, and now we are heading towards the second target which shall be achieved in the third quarter of 2023.  

I won’t be able to write more as our services are paid but want to give you a small note. I will advise you to remain long in the market, don’t play a short-term game otherwise you will lose focus and miss an opportunity of creating wealth for yourself and the coming generations. Don’t focus on day trading or short-term trading with your capital, you can play a short-term game with a maximum of 3% of your capital, and the rest should be allocated to medium to longer term investments.

Last year December we came out with a report of selling or shorting ADANI group stocks right at the top. We warn investors that avoid Adani group stocks as there are hundreds of great Indian companies to invest in. Our report was almost 60 days before the Hindenburg report.

We leave investment and trading decisions to you, we just provide a glimpse of the future and what is coming. I am happy that I am able to guide the Indian investment community sitting in the Western world and this is another great way to remain connected with India.

You can read the daily Indian Report:

Thanks & God Bless


Mahendra Sharma