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Today's Trade & News

Indian market recommendations and new pricing...

Dear Member,

Today I recommend buying Five Indian stocks – Himadari Chem, Nath Bio and ICICI Produent, HDFC LIFE, Axis bank. These three stocks shall provide 100% returns in the next one year’s time. We started the Indian market newsletter in 2011, where we cover the daily and weekly trend on metals, oil, Rupee, grains and Indian stocks & Index strategies. It is sent out daily in the morning hours before the market opens.

In the last two days I met two prominent broking firms, as one of them is my personal client. They said that $599 is a very high price for Indian market subscriptions for common investors to subscribe to your services so if you want investors to take advantage of your recommendations, then you must reduce the price of the Indian letter.

Today first time reduced price of any subscriptions from $595 to $475 for a month, the new prices are in effect from today.

Here are details:

Thanks & God Bless


Mahendra Sharma