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It is important that your must read market trend correctly...2019 Financial Predictions...

Dear Members,

Grace of God I am recovering well after heart attack, I take this opportunity to thank you for all your best wishes.

Almost four months are over and I would like to put some part of “2019 Financial Predictions”, I am sure this year book must be helping you lot in making decisions. It was worth investing in our book, I am not sure that I will able to write “2020 Financial Predictions” book because I want to give time to myself and started small working arrangement with one of friend to create wealth for him as he is committed doing great charity work from profit.

Here is what we mentioned in forth cycle in USA market sections (must read carefully what we mentioned in the ranges sections of 2019 for USA indexes). The first 43 pages of the book has detail predictions of 2019 about the global markets from Asia, Euro, South America, North America, Africa, and the Middle-east:

Forth astro cycle from 10th April to 23 April 2019:

This will be a very positive cycle for the market; and stock prices will move up sharply. Emerging markets will rock, so this will be a great time to buy some aggressive positions in China, India, and other emerging markets as they may make 7% move higher. We are strongly recommending buying some aggressive speculative potions in emerging markets.

Banking, tech, and industrial stocks will move higher so buying is recommended in these sectors as well. During these two weeks we may see the market moving 3 to 4% higher. I won’t be surprised at all if the markets test the high of 2019.

I strongly recommend booking some profit around the higher side before this cycle ends.

Important note: If markets starts trading negative from 10th to 14 April then don’t buy any stocks until 25 April 2019 as weakness can dominates global markets.


This is what we mentioned in Metal sections in book “2019 Financial Predictions”:

Third cycle from the 1st of April to the 7th of May 2019:

This cycle will remain in a mixed trading pattern, don’t buy precious Metals for the medium term. Trading in and out will be the best strategy because a mixed trend will continue. Fall in Palladium will continue so don’t buy or cover shorts as prices may move below $1000 soon.

The Dollar volatility may put some pressure on precious metals. By the end of this cycle you should buy some positions in precious metals. Base metals will fall sharply during this cycle.


This is what we mentioned in energy sector in our book “2019 Financial predictions”:

Forth cycle from 30th March to 30th April 2019:

During this cycle the astro combinations will start supporting Oil, so cover 100% shorts during cycle and start buying on any weakness. If we are reading the astro combinations correctly, then we may see a 10 to 12% rally in Oil during this period. Heating Oil and RB Gas should be bought during this period.

Buying or cover shorts in ERX. If oil trade negative between 1st to 3rd April then we may see correction taking place otherwise positivity will continue and prices may move word $64.55 to $66.88 level.

Still if you are interested in buying book then here is page about book, if you like to buy each sections then scroll down for each sections:

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma