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Today's Trade & News

Kitco Interview - Gold prediction, still clouds are not clear but 2015 looks very bullish...

Dear Members,

Here is below Kitco interview of 20 June. Gold outlook will completely change from 2015, but surely still 2014 it will be bumpy ride for gold. Most negative period have ended on 18 June for gold so we doubt that gold will see $1000 but still chances that it may retest last year’s low and higher side should be watch closely $1327 and $1388, these are two astro resistance and gold may have difficulty to break $1388 in the 2014.

We will write detail look in this week newsletter, you shouldn’t be rushing to buying gold if you are longer term investors. Read this week newsletter carefully.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma


Saturday 11.00 AM Santa Barbara