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Today's Trade & News

Last three weeks has been amazing, Here is small part of this week newletter...

Dear Friends.

I feel blessed that nature held my hand and took me to my Grandfather to learn astrology at the age of 9, Since the last three weeks planets have shown investors that there is no better predicting indicators to know the markets trends. I bow my head in the feet of all planets and nature for giving me the knowledge of this subject.

Thanks & God Bless, Mahendra Sharma

We are just here to fulfill our Karma, everything else is an illusion!

-Mahendra Sharma


Weekly newsletter from 14-18 December, prediction date 12, December 2009

Dear Members,

Last week markets performed as the planets had indicated. Two major trends developed as we had expected, and they were the rise in dollar and fall in metals with oil. Any market traders may ignore this, but we should not ignore these developments as these trends just started and they will stay for longer period. This clearly means that a fall in metal prices is going to continue and the rise of dollar will dominate financial markets. 

Big traders have convinced large crowds that the fall of dollar is good for stock markets and rise of dollar is bad but they will smartly change their stand in the coming days. It will be too late for common investor when they find out the truth, that rise of dollar is in fact good for markets. I see sharp corrections to continue in all major currencies against USD so we strongly recommend buying USD.

Gold with silver moved down sharply, from top it lost almost ten percent in terms of dollar. Metal stocks suffered a huge set back. We have been warning investors for the last two months on metals. Our strategy is very simple, we don’t want participate in the last phase of any bull market, like tech, oil and now metals because they are false trends and history says that most of the people lost money what they made trades during the bull market in the same area because love and greed catch them or attracts them during the fall. I metals fall will continue for medium term but during shorter term we may see volatility on both sides.

Oil also corrected sharply during last week. The middle of next year will be the right time to buy oil, but the current time is not that good for oil so trade carefully. I am just here to guide on the overall trend. Investment decisions and strategy have to be planned by you. If anyone is confused on planning of any trades, then please send us email and we will try to reply as soon as possible.

This week’s newsletter from 14-18 December 2009


Last week both gold and silver traded in the predicted trading range. I was fully satisfied with my prediction, and I am sure most of members must also be fully satisfied. This week gold and silver has a final chance to recover for four days and if they fail to do so then I see gold and silver falling without any recovery for the next six months. We will be watching situations very carefully and guide you accordingly.

On Monday gold and silver will remain sideways with a little bit gain.

On Tuesday gold and silver will remain positive so we recommend buying in Asia or USA opening and booking profit by the end of day.

On Wednesday both gold and silver will move up in Asian trading but will move down in USA session in the last hour.

On Thursday both gold and silver will trade….

Friday one can…

Those who already bought puts during the last three weeks can hold onto hose puts.

Short term traders should cover position on Monday and wait to take short positions on Thursday. Avoid trading in metals stocks, HOLD SHORTS.

Important note - If metals don’t move up on Tuesday and….

The trading range of gold will be from $1103.20 to $1139. Breaking any side will push the prices one percent more in that direction. Silver will trade in the trading range of $16.91 to $17.88, breaking prices in any of directions will push price in that directions around two percent more. I will write update if late Monday and Tuesday gold trade weak because it can make gold fall more than seven percent.


Last week copper came down to the predicted low of $308, and the rest of the base metals traded as predicted. This week we see nickel, zinc and lead moving up sharply so short term traders can buy it and sell back by Thursday.

Palladium and Platinum will trade weak so one can hold short positions, or those who want buy back should wait for some time because planets will give the buying signal.

Copper will trade weak on Monday but we will see an upward trend from late Monday or Tuesday and the rising trend will remain until Thursday, so sell on Thursday. The trading range will be from $320.80 to $308. This week will be the best week to sell copper on rising trend.

Note: We are worried about ….



This week prices of coffee will remain stable but cotton will fall sharply so you can do hedge trading by buying coffee and selling cotton. As planetary movement is very positive for coffee, please buy or those who bought on our recommendations should hold their position in coffee. The trading range of coffee will be $141.20 to $147.80.

Cotton prices to move down sharply so take a selling position in cotton around $73.90 and target price $68.80 in coming days.


This week cocoa will remain sideways, over recommendation of avoiding cocoa has proven very accurate because cocoa prices have been trading in a tight range. This week we also advise to avoid trading in cocoa.

Sugar prices will fall sharply any time from here so build a selling position in sugar around $24.20 or one can sell on Wednesday, and cover positions at around $20.90 in coming days.


We still don’t recommend buying stocks because we don’t see markets going anywhere. Markets will have very crucial period until Mid Jan 2010 as two more eclipses are on the way, before 15 January 2010. If both of these eclipses pass smoothly without any damage then one should buy stocks or buy call of December 2010, S&P reaching 1400 or Dow reaching 14000.

I won’t be writing more on markets until 15 January 2010, because I want to see if this period passes smoothly. Once it is done than yes we will target Dow reaching 32000 by the end of 2014. We will put more focus on stock markets, detailed weekly trend from mid Jan 2010, like the last ten years we have been very focused on metals and energy.

This week we see markets trading in an uncertain zone, so avoid any new positions in markets. Sell S&P and Dow on Wednesday and hold your positions until Thursday next week. All markets will follow Dow and S&P. Only Hong Kong and China will trade weakly as Mercury is not very positive for both of these markets. India and other Asian markets will remain sideways but no new buying recommended.

European markets will move down sharply by more than 5% so take a selling position on Wednesday.


This week all grains will remain sideways, sharp fall…..


For the last few months we have been giving perfect trades as per the planetary movements in oil and natural gas. This week I see oil trading weak from late Wednesday or Thursday. From Monday to Wednesday oil, heating oil and RB gas will remain positive. The trading range of oil will be from $72.20 to $67.80.

Natural gas will remain positive throughout this week so buy natural gas on each deep. Our first target is $5.63 and our next target is $5.90, on the lower-side $5.12 is great buy.


All major currencies were losing their shine against Dollar. I see a rising trend to remain during this week. Any weak trend on Monday and Tuesday should be taken as a buying opportunity. December 2009 contract will expired on Monday; so buy March 2010 contracts at around $76.50 or you can take position on Wednesday or early Thursday in USD because from Monday to Wednesday Scorpio Moon is negative for each and everyone, and this can give wrong decisions; so avoid any new trading in any markets.

More than one rise in Euro, Swiss Franc, Pound and Australian dollar should be taken as selling opportunity because all these currencies will drop sharply on Thursday and Friday.

Japanese Yen will try to regain but it won’t able to hold its gains so one can hold shorts. Last week selling call in Yen made us a good amount of money. Canadian dollar too remained sideways but it will fall sharply from Thursday.

Our next target for USD index is around 78.00 and we see dollar stabilizing around that price for a few days before it moves up sharply.

Final note: From Monday to mid Wednesday is not a good time for any important trades so avoid and finish all old remaining work or spend time with your family. From Monday to Wednesday all major markets will move in both directions on each day, so those who like to trade can take intraday opportunities of selling on any sharp rise and if prices fall sharply then take opportunity of buying.

Is anyone there who is predicting gold falling up to $600 or dollar index to reaching 150? We are and we are holding that prediction because we trust the planetary indicators, which are the most powerful and most accurate in longer term as compared to any of the other indicators. In short term also planets give great signals but we are struggling to understand them some of the times and that is why we have been missing a few short term trends.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma