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Today's Trade & News

Last week Thursday flashnews..

Dear Friends: Here is Thursday's flashnews, I am sure you will enjoy it.. Thanks & God Bless, Mahendra Sharma

Thursday’s Flashnews:

Dear Members,

Today almost all markets traded as predicted and we still see this positive trend continuing until end of November in almost all commodities but higher side you should be booking profit during next week because future time is uncertain or for many commodities as worst news from China will be on the way.

Those who bought on our recommendation on Tuesday (gold at $1327 and silver $25.11) should be booking profit in metals on Friday but don’t do shorts in metals.

Oil fulfilled our predicted target but higher side in oil is limited, so trade carefully. Metals and grains trend will not support oil at this stage. Natural gas will start rising from late tomorrow.

Soft commodities selling time is coming except coffee. One can sell sugar around $29.39 and cotton around $135.80. Today Coffee moved up sharply and it will remain in positive trend in coming days so hold coffee position.

Grains recommendation proved very accurate, corn and wheat will remain in positive trend but later today one can book profit those who bought on Tuesday/Wednesday. Soy will fall sharply so hedge your position of corn. Higher side corn may touch $552, wheat $679, but Soy will remain weak so sell soy on rise so sell grain on higher side.

USA Stock market trend will remain sideway from later today, but emerging market trend will remain weak, I see sharp downward corrections in emerging market. Dow will outperform all market from here (buy Dow and sell emerging market like China, india, Hong Kong and Brazil); major bull market in stocks will start from May 2011. Uranium stocks have done wonders for our followers in the last two months. We recommended buying URRE, URE, URZ, CXZ and DNN.

Dollar will gained from late tomorrow, best trade sell all commodities currencies tomorrow.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma, Thursday 18 November