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Today's Trade & News

Last week Thursday's update

Dear Members,

As per our newsletter of this week: we predicted gold and silver should give indication of top on Thursday (which is today) and some weak trend may come after USA market starts. Also we have mentioned that from Monday “next week” huge correction will come in gold, silver, copper, platinum and palladium. Metals stocks will fall sharply. We already mentioned that this short term corrections can be 15 to 20 percent before historic bubble take place in metals

Note: If gold and silver doesn’t fall next week between Monday to Thursday then one should not sell metals at all, because then we don’t see any weak trend in gold, silver and other metals for the next five months. Astrology says all metals should fall sharply during next week, and if it's fails to give this weak indication means positivity will rule negative planetary movement and gold/silver will move up new high. Wait for our next week newsletter.

Oil, metals and other commodities like grains, and soft commodities will have nightmare from next week so great opportunity to build short position in either CRB index or puts options in all most all major commodities except rice, lumber and coffee.

First time in a year we saw weakness in Yen and we mentioned very clearly in this week newsletter. Yesterday Yen went down almost 370 pips. Once again we predict end of bull market of Yen. British Pound and Swiss Franc will trade weak. From next week Euro and all commodities will have huge corrections. Dollar buying time is coming from next Monday.

Wait for great buying opportunity in stocks is coming in the end of October. We see huge correction coming in all major stock markets from 3 October or from 13 October. One should book profit and stay away from market for few weeks. Dow will hit 38000 and Indian BSE 48000 to 52000 in the next three to five years. 


In short: Yes, we see huge correction coming in commodities any time, but surely from Monday.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma, 16 September 2010