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Last week weekly newsletter - why astro indicators are most unique

Dear Friends,

Here I am putting most important newsletter of last week, some part I have removed because they indicating dates of crash. I am surely you will enjoy it. Yes, planets can guide better than any other indicators, most of traders understand fundamentals, technical’s and economy but knowing nature behavior or planetary indicators can make you a unique trader. Our subscriptions cost is nothing against the risk you take in markets.

I wish all of you good luck.  

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma


On spiritual level, money is simply energy. Like any form of energy, money itself is a morally neutral force. The force must be directed and controlled by its user. After all, money doesn’t care if it is used on bullets or bread. To use the energy of money wisely, it is necessary to develop maturity and ability to use power. And this awareness reflects your growth. – From a Book I was reading

Dear Members,

Last week once again market has entered into a most volatile zone. Most commodities were on fire, giving clear indications that commodities are not worrying about the ramifications of rising interest rate. Dollar fell sharply against all major currencies except Yen. Stock markets remained in an uncertain pattern and finally gold and silver stocks performed well on Friday.

Our newsletter is based on Astro indicators and planetary influence on mass psychological behavior. From time to time great opportunities come on the way in the journey of trading, and they can only be captured by those who are willing to trade just a few times a year when they see great money making opportunities. This is like collecting money from “ATM” but surely it requires lot of patience or deep pockets to cover any short term volatilities.

Yes, planets are giving clear signals that something big is on the way in financial markets, either in currency markets or commodity markets but I am sure something drastic will happen which most traders won’t forget for many years.   

Current trend & Planets:

Current planetary movement is giving clear signals of a bubble in the commodity markets (specially in precious metals). We saw it coming just a few months back and we kept mentioning that from the first week of April metals would rise sharply. Last week’s trend is giving clear indications that metals want to move ahead strongly without any major corrections. This rising cycle can be very powerful without a major fall but yes there will be huge volatility within this rising cycle so you have trade carefully if you want to remain with this rising trend.

Questions - Everyone would like to ask one simple question and that is, what is the time frame for this rise? Or how long this rising trend in metals and oil could last?

Answer – Planets are giving clear signals that metals bull market can last for the next……..months, especially in gold, silver and base metals. Month of April won’t be that positive for base metals but surely…….will be very positive for base metals.

Oil will remain in a mixed trend.

Grains and soft commodities will remain weaker overall, meaning after two months you will see grains and soft commodities still trading around current prices or even a bit lower.

This answer should give a clear picture to all our members on the time frame and you know this markets can also crash once this positive trend completes. You should start taking a few great trades after......, because from…….onward precious metals, oil and other commodities can crash like 1980 or oil crash of 2008 from $145 to $30. Anything is possible in financial markets so never say that this can’t happen.

Before this crash takes place, let’s first enjoy the bull market, which again is entering a bubble phase in the month of …… and this bubble will burst in the month of …... Before this happen gold may hit $1,600 and silver may touch $50. Oil may also move up but Astro cycle is more supporting metals.

After doing detailed study I am writing these predictions because this is medium term outlook is important one for traders. I am sure this will give you a great return for your subscriptions fee.

Important note – Please give me one promise today that you won’t forward or share predictions of this week newsletter to anyone including your boss, friends or collogues until June 2011. Yes, you can share this with your family members if they are involved with investments. Tell them subscribe, If someone like to know.    

Most of my members are longer term supporters of my services and they kept faith in me even when I came wrong.

Here is once again please read the previous article of 1 Jan 2003: gold revolutions. I have noticed one thing interesting that between 2001-2004 I mentioned gold reaching $1,600 many times. Now we are not far from that and there has to be a reason of always mentioning $1,600. Perhaps this bull market will end at $1,600 and then another will start after a few years?

Here is :

Also I would like you must read our below here October 2010 newsletter once again very carefully as this can help your planning:

Volatility is dominating but we have “options”


Dear Members,

Looks like 2008 is back in terms of volatility because all commodities and markets were on fire but this time is a different scenario. I don’t know how many people like to trade under current volatility. Many will say Mahendra, we will just buy and keep it and let market go up or let volatility remain at center point because it is good for us as prices are going up and we are making money! My understanding of volatility is different when buying and selling positions, both with high risks. Those who don’t mind high risk for them is fine but I will give advice that it’s better that you play with PUT and CALL or in other forms of options trading.   

Lately I met a few of my members, and they told me that Mahendra: we made killing in oil and currencies during 2008 and 2009 because we were holding lot of puts (good for them). Yes, after being in markets for so long as a forecaster and a trader, I can say that in volatile times option trades are most interesting because its lock your risk and time is also in your hands.

For example, planets are indicating a huge up move in metals after 25 October 2010, so it’s better to buy calls because I see metals moving toward historic highs in the next few years. If buyers of metals hold future contracts and if metals fall overnight, it will be a nightmare: not only that you might suffer substantial losses but also at the lows you won’t able to buy more because factors such as fear, lack of confidence, and running out of margins. 

Today, I feel so unfortunate because one move in metals in 2004 changed my whole life and predicting styles. I was managing money for Micheal Krupp and holding large positions in gold and silver. On 2 Sep 2004, gold prices crashed over night and the account was almost wiped-out. This incidence changed me, and I became more cautious in predicting bull markets because at the same time a lot of my followers lost money on fall of metals, so I decided not to predict rises always. Whenever negative time frames came I warned investors but most warning calls have been not working well since 2005.

The point I am making today is how simply we can make money without fighting, struggling or worrying about trend or market condition or economic data’s or Fed decisions. It is eye popping for me that money can be made so easily in simple ways with struggling and your portfolio could be built up every year to new highs regardless of where markets goes!

Before I start, I would to say that options trading won’t give you money overnight but surely it will secure your future.



From today it important that we reconnect back to old path so let see what I mentioned in 2003, here what we said and you must read it both small below articles.

Yes, longer term cycle is very bullish for gold; even medium term cycle is showing strength in our Astro combinations.

Now the final two negative weeks are pending for metals before they start very strong rally. So my advice will be buy March 2011, option calls around 27 Oct 2010 in gold and silver.  

Let this next two week volatility gets over.


By Mid January 2011, gold can easily hit $1,600 and silver $28.00. This prediction will be much clearer once next 17 trading day’s passes.


I think, planets gave us clear indications in the October 2010 of bullish trend, and silver in fact surpassed predicted $28.00 and gold to reach yet there. Last two months we kept saying that from April 2011 bullish trend would start but we never focused much on metal’s bullish prediction. From here onward I will put at the end of every newsletter astro longer term outlook on financial market.

I would like you to also read an article on one of my favorite trader ever born “Jesse Livermore”. I thought this article may help you in your trading style. His quote which I always like, “You never grow poor by taking profit. No you don’t but neither do you grow richer by taking four point profits in a bull market.” He will build his position gradually, putting himself in place to catch the meat of the trend. He made $100 million in a single day during 1929 crash and JP Morgan blamed Jesse for the 1929 crash.

This week I don’t want to write much in weekly predictions. I am sure most of our members have got what we wanted to say. Please read this newsletter a few times and start writing notes in your diary or on computer that how you would like to take advantage of the bull cycle of metals of the next two months and same time how you will take advantage of the crash in the commodity area from mid-June.

Yes, I have planning, and I want you to finish your own trading planning during this week and I will give you May’s planning in the next week newsletter. I don’t think that you need to do much hard work to make money in the next five months on both cycles of “bull and bear” or you say “rise and crash”.


Here is small outlook for this week from 11-15 April


This week gold and silver will remain in a positive cycle except Monday. Moon transit is indicating that after higher opening in gold and silver later on Monday some weakness will come and you should take this as a buying opportunity in gold and silver either in the last hours of Monday or on the opening of Tuesday in USA.

From midday of Tuesday gold and silver will start stabilizing and rise will come from late Tuesday this rising cycle will continue until Friday so any weakness should be taken as a buying opportunity on Tuesday.  

I don’t want to predict the weekly range at this stage because we are in a rising cycle so any prices are possible but it looks like that silver can hit new higher or $43.00 and gold $1,509. Lower side gold will see $1451 and silver $39.78 (buy at lowerlevel as currently planets are supporting gold and silver).



This week base metals will remain sideways but Thursday and Friday they move up. No shorts are recommended in base metals.



This week consolidation will take place in market. Another most important longer term prediction is DOW going to 38,000. Everyone is aware of this weakness should be taken as a buying opportunity in DOW, S&P and Nasdaq. This week we don’t see any excitement in the market like last week so avoid any big buying position in markets. Yes, you can buy metals and alternative energy stocks at this stage.

Asian, European and USA markets will remain sideways during this week so some weakness will come in the banking and technology sectors. Some bad earning reports announced by a few big names may affect markets for the shorter period but take any weakness as a buying opportunity in stocks.



Soft commodities’ Astro chart is negative and these soft commodities have been trading weaker. They may try to follow metals, oil or grains but they will fail so our recommendation is that you don’t get involve with these soft commodities at this stage. They are in a weaker trend and they will remain in a weaker trend in the coming time but this week some buying interest can come in coffee. Sugar, cocoa and cotton will remain weaker.



Overall planetary moment is not favoring grains at all at this stage but they are trying to follow metals and oil as we saw on last week Friday. I highly recommend avoid corn, soy, wheat, soy meal and soy oil.

If I trade this week fearlessly, then I will keep adding metals and keep selling grains as a hedging trade. I am sure both trades will make good amount of money.



This week oil will trade positively as last week negativity never came on negative astro days so it is a positive sign for oil. From Tuesday onward I see oil prices moving higher so take a buying opportunity in oil on late Monday or middle of day on Tuesday and hold positions until Friday. Heating oil and RB gas will also move up with oil. Weekly trading range is $110.30 to $116.20. But selling oil will be trade hedging tools against buying metals, as per planetary movement metals (gold/silver) looks far stronger and positive compare to oil.

Natural gas will trade weaker on Monday but from the last hour of Tuesday it will start trading up and Wednesday it will move up. Mid-Thursday you can book profit as weakness again will start. Weekly trading range may be from $3.95 to $4.21.



Last week dollar had a nightmare. I don’t think our dollar predictions will materialize for another two weeks because dollar may trade here and there in the same trading range. On other hand I see clearly huge problems arriving in the Euro zone so watch situation closely. If you see any problematic news then get in the bus without even waiting for my update because one thing is sure that euro zone can collapse any time after mid-June. Problems in Euro zone can even start from next week because astro chart is not favoring it at all. Astro chart also indicates that some powerful insiders are aware about oncoming problem of EU and these people may be taking first Euro higher then they my kill euro. Yes, at this stage I am wrong about Euro’s fall and but something is there which is warning me about the future of Euro.

My longer term prediction is that euro will go back to below par value! I know no one is taking our Euro call. Will anyone believe this prediction at this point? I think apart from me, no one. I’ll leave this point at this stage but keep your eyes and ears open. I will also do mine and wait for alerts which can arrive anytime but surely before 29 June 2011.

Stay away from all currencies including dollar but once I see 100% clearly on dollar’s trend I will send you updates. I want to take one week break from currency predictions.

Trade in currency - At this stage those who doesn’t want to take risk much and still believe that our euro zone problem may come true should start buying puts in EURO or long call in dollar.

Important note – 2008 trend have come back in markets, in early 2008 oil and all commodities were rising, stock markets were rising and dollar kept moving against all currencies. Suddenly in the third quarter 2008 everything stated falling apart and many big financial institution and traders started crumbling so don’t get carried away with current rising trend. In this condition you can plan few great trades or hedging trend which can not only secure you position but it will make you money in both bull and bear cycle.

Detail hedging trade I will write in next week newsletter but my brief advise will be on rising commodities you should start building up puts position as current rising trend in commodities will end by ……… so plan to take puts of ……… against current buying. At this stage don’t buy puts in metals but surely those who like to hedge can start buying from……..against their holding twice a week, also in November we will start buying 2012 calls in metals and indexes. Give time, I will write which puts to acquire.


Our longer term outlook:

Bullish for Equity: Dow may hit 32000 in four years

Coffee may hit $700 in the next three years

Euro may go below par value or even 0.50 in the next 59 months

Silver may hit $89 and gold $2,300 to $2800 in the next five years


You trust me for my predictions and same I do on you, so please don’t forward or share this week’s newsletter to anyone.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

Predicted on - 10 April 2011