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Last week's weekly newsletter is here...metals, indexes, energy, currecy, bond, grains & softs..

Weekly Newsletter of 27 April to 1 May 2015


“We will be excited to hear that the rate rise is coming soon because the astro cycles are so positive so any negative news should come in positive astro time cycle…


Dear Members,

Last week stock investors must have enjoyed the week but commodity traders seemed to be getting very confused because the commodities and commodity stocks are acting differently. On Friday gold lost big value which forced other metals to lose value but metal stocks acted far better. After Thursday Newmont came with positive earnings which gave some hope to metals investors but on Friday metals lost big value. There is no doubt that metals and metal stocks are have a change in attitude but time will provide us with the answer.

Last week investors focused remained on stocks and top names announced better results which pushed the market sharply higher. DPZ, CPHD, MSFT, SBUX, AMZN, GOOGL and financial’s clearly indicated that companies are running into a positive time cycle. USA stock indexes closed at all-time highs, Japan, Hong Kong, South Africa, and Shanghai market moved higher. Brazil etf BRZU remained the best performer in the last two weeks as it almost doubled after our recommendation. On the other hand the Indian market suffered huge set back as it kept moving down during last week.

In currencies dollar lost value as predicted. One currency which was making the headlines in the last quarter gained almost over twenty five percent. It is Russian Rubble which surprised everyone as it gained against most currencies. On the other hand Indian Rupee performed terribly during last week. There is no doubt that Indian Rupee has performed very well in 2014 and the first quarter of 2015 when all other currencies were losing value but last week’s move surprised everyone. Rupee’s fall was purely blamed on weakness in the Indian equity market.

We are sure that most of you must have enjoyed the current time by trading in the markets as stocks provided very nice returns in the last two years. Those who believed in the astro cycles must have done very well and those who remained skeptical were not able to take advantage of the positive rising cycle. In the last three years our advice of investing in stocks, avoiding commodities and buying USD has done amazing well and I am sure most of you must be happy with subscribing to our services. A few people always say that our services are a bit expensive but if you pay $99 and service is misguiding then there is no use because it is just a waste of time and money.

I believe 100% in our astro theory and we believe that our guidance will be very helpful in making investment decisions. The current astro cycles are showing amazing combinations which shows that biotech and tech will keep moving higher.

Financials will take the lead role in the market from July 2015 and commodities may start showing some positive signs from September 2015.

This week two major events are taking place, first, Apple’s earning is on Monday and the second event is on Wednesday when the FED policy will be announced. Yes, if the FED made any comments on the interest rate then under normal circumstances everyone would have started getting out from the market and may start trading aggressively in bond but according to the astro cycle even if the FED announces rate rise coming from the next meeting it won’t be able to put any pressure on the market. In fact, the market may move sharply higher because the astro cycle is so positive that the investor’s behavior pattern will be positive and there will be no fear due to a positive Mars, Saturn and North node. Banking stocks will rock high. We are excited to hear that rate rise is coming because the astro cycles are so positive so this news can play a positive role for the market and can push DOW 1000 to 3000 points or higher. I know people may call us crazy but they don’t know the hidden fundamental of the astro cycle.

Apple will have positive earnings, iPhone 6 sales numbers will surprise everyone. Apple as a company that will not be stopping here. We see new products coming on the way, and our predictions of “Apple TV” will be coming true during the last quarter of 2015.


Let’s see what this week’s indicates, here is weekly newsletter from 27 April to 1 May 2015:


Last week golds fall created some panic even though most of traders were talking about positive technical chart pattern. Fridays fall must have created doubts in many people’s minds about the gold trend. Golds fall also came on the same day when NEWMONT announced earnings. There is no doubt that mining stocks are showing positive signs but metals prices have to hold or move higher to give support to mining stocks otherwise this positive move in mining stocks won’t last for the longer period.

Most investors don’t give that much importance to metals stocks because physical metals matter the most. Gold has taken out $1180 which is surely a most concerning sign for metals investors according to the astro cycles. According to our theory $1180 was the most important astro support point and if gold closes below this level for three days then surely it may touch $1142. There is no doubt that gold has entered the most danger astro cycle which can leave horrific memories behind if gold falls below $1142.

For the last three years we have been recommending not to buy metals and metal stocks and we still hold the predictions until July of 2015 even if gold starts trading positively from here onwards.

At this stage we highly recommend staying away from metals even if you trust and have a lot of respect for metals as a financial instrument.

I will keep posting on metals moves but at this stage one should avoid any leverage positions and one should trade in and out.

This week’s outlook looks a bit positive for Monday, Tuesday and half day of Wednesday as the astro cycle is positive for metals and metal stocks so a mixed to positive trend can be adopted by precious and base metals.    

On Wednesday the Fed meeting which is after gold closes on most trading exchanges except electronics.

On Thursday and Friday gold will start losing value, and may lose big value. Late Wednesday negative time is starting for metals.

Base metals and silver should trade positively on Tuesday and Wednesday. Metals stocks will remain in a positive direction. On Thursday and Friday testing time for metals and at this stage we can see that huge corrections can occur.

Important event: Indian Government is planning to announce a wealth tax on physical gold holders, they are also ready to announce “deposit gold with the government and the Government will pay you interest”. Government will melt this gold and sell it back to fulfil the market demand as they don’t want to import gold. Tons of gold is lying in Indian bank lockers and this may encourage holders to get interest on their gold. This will be a three or five year agreement or government will issue some kind of certificate so after a certain amount of years you can ask for your gold back. In the first quarter of 2015 India imported $34 billion worth of gold which putting huge pressure on Rupee. Wait for next week news.

To read complete newsletter Subscribe here:



Last week the USA market traded positively, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Brazil and South African market kept moving higher. Indian market remained one of the worst performing markets and European market traded mixed. All eyes were on Microsoft, Google, Starbucks and Amazon and these frontline companies not only announced positive earnings but they also traded sharply higher. Chipmaker’s struggled and biotech remained in a mixed direction. Financials also traded mixed as profit booking was witnessed in banking stocks.

June future contracts of S&P closed around 2011 and spot traded 2117.70. S&P has spent enough time around 2050 to 2100, and the current astro cycles are so positive that this market can move in one direction, and that is higher.

Avoid the rest of the world’s markets at this stage but don’t short any market. Hold positions in BRZU and RUSL, add more INDL.

On Monday we see stocks trading mixed due to a mixed astro cycle in Asia and Europe, sell or short Europe as a hedging trade because European markets will fall….Subscribe to read complete letter:



Last week June put options in Thirty year bond provided 200% return within three trading days. This was the best call. Thirty year bond traded negatively, TMV and TBT also moved higher. This week On Monday…………….Subscribe to read compete letter:



Last week softs traded mixed to positive. This is the final week of weakness……Subscribe to read compete letter:



Last week grains lost value as expected. We are….This week On Monday…………….Subscribe to read compete letter:



Last week oil traded positively with heating oil and RB Gas. Energy stocks are trading positively. This week still the positive…. This week On Monday…………….Subscribe to read compete letter:



Last week dollar traded negatively as predicted….. This week On Monday…………….Subscribe to read compete letter:

Thanks & God Bless, Mahendra Sharma, Sunday 3.00 PM Santa Barbara, 26 April 2015.