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Today's Trade & News

Leaders name start with "MU" will fall....

Dear Friends,

Here is small part from 14 Feb newsletter:

Make trades where both of us are confident


Dear Members,

The fall of Mubarak shows that the future of Middle East country rulers has entered a high-risk zone. When we talk about Middle East, oil comes into mind because any uncertainty in Middle East especially oil-rich Arab countries can cause serious concerns on oil supply. Nature knows everything so it always prepares alternatives in advance such as bringing nuclear energy into place. Many developed and developing countries are going nuclear as they know that only nuclear is the answer to secure and clean energy future. Solar, wind and other alternative energy sources look tiny against nuclear energy.

Also the world doesn’t want to depend on a few countries for oil. Even oil rich nations like UAE, Saudi and Kuwait are going nuclear as they already started constructing reactors. Iran wants to fulfill its dream to adopt nuclear energy but it has issues with UN, USA and international atomic agencies.

Mubarak was unable to face heat from ground but one dictator Mugabe is still ruling Zimbabwe. Perhaps people there, instead of protesting on the streets, are working very hard to just meet daily requirement. This beautiful nation has been suffering from each angle but still Mugabe is ruling it. Why isn’t there anyone else better in Zimbabwe to run the nation? Anyway Mubarak’s final days are near because three dictators’ names start with “MU” (Mubarak, Mugabe and Muammar Gaddafi). Those who are in politics name start with “MU” will have tough time.

Our planetary calculations indicate that Mr. Mugabe will leave his job because of heath reasons, or people will throw him out from the position before 11 November 2011. One thing is very clear: his days are numbered.

Let’s focus back on financial markets and this week’s newsletter.

Read - last week of Jan's newsletter about middle east:

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma