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Today's Trade & News

This week update in metals, markets, oil and currencies...

Dear Members,

This week lower side 2888 and higher side 2988 both levels got achieved in S&P. Markets moved aggressively higher from Wednesday as predicted, we recommended not to short market, in fact recommended buying at lower levels in every market including European and Asian.

S&P testing today higher side 2988 level, and lower side target 2888 also proven great buying level as recommended in weekly newsletter and Daily Flashnews. Now most interesting fight will start between bull and bear and we will try our best to write in detail about who will win, so wait for the next week weekly newsletter and Mondays daily flashnews.  

Precious metals traded weak as predicted during this week. We recommended booking short term profit in precious metals on Monday and recommended cover shorts on Friday and taking small buying on Friday. Gold selling recommended this week at $1523 on Monday and lower side $1481 which just achieved, wait for next week letter for clear strategy.  

We still believe 50 top 70% crash in prices of palladium. Short term trader shall trade carefully as still some volatility is expected, I have been not very accurate on my Palladium predictions lately. Palladium higher side mentioned price was $1678 level in our newsletter, short seller are struggling it has been moving nonstop but lest see whether it loses 70% value from current price or not, in the next five months.  

Oil and gas acted mix today, grains moved as mentioned but coffee still struggling along with sugar. Cotton bounced back along with cocoa.

Buying recommendations in British Pound of this week provided great returns, at almost moved 500 pips higher, we recommended buying pound at 1.2175 level with target 1.2575 which got achieved, in fact it went above, and next target provided 1.2678. Emerging market currencies provided great returns and Bond lost big value as predicted.

Today our website will achieve 15.5 million click which is great news and thank you for trusting our work, you guys were always with me even when I came wrong on few occasions. One thing is clear that astro indicators are one of the most powerful indicators and most of our longer-term predictions got fulfilled in the last over three decades and all thanks goes to astro indicators/wave of nature.

Very important interview in detail, I strong recommend listen to complete interview, it is one hour long but it will give you clear outlook of what is coming metals, markets, currencies, Grains, energy, crypto and Cannabis stocks.

It is available on Youtube and Amazon Prime:

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma