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Today's Trade & News

lifetime trading opportunity so keep away your fear and stop listening too many people..Wednesdays daily flashnews on commodities, Indexes and currencies...

DEAR Members,

Here is Wednesdays' flaahsnews and Indian market report, read carefuly as we are predicting sharp fall in commodity in coming time. Great time buy emerging makrets and emerging market currencies. 


Important note: We would like to clarify that we are not telling anyone to subscribe our services but we feel pain when we see traders and investors puting thousands and millions on risk in investing and speculating but they won’t subscribe any good services. In the last few days we received few emails from India asking our view on rupee and equity market because they are down few Crore’s of Rupee and they want to seek free advice. It really surprised me that they can’t spent few hundred dollar on subscriptions but they ready to gamble blindly millions in market.  Once again I am not saying that people should subscribe my services, there are many other good analyst and technical charts services available which may help you to minimize your loses if you follow them sincerely. Avoid daily tip on market services because they won't make you many in medium and longer term.   

Wednesday's Daily flashnews: Here is PDF FILE

Wednesday's daily flashnews on Indian market: HERE IS PDF FILE

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Shrama