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Mahendra Relocates to USA

June 7, 2004, Santa Barbara, California – MRK Financial, Inc. (MRK) is pleased to announce the addition of Mahendra Sharma to its asset management team.  A spokesman of MRK stated “As a native of India and most recently from Nairobi, Kenya, Mr. Sharma has perfected a unique methodology to invest in stocks and commodities.  During a six month period ending March 31, 2004, in cooperation with Mr. Sharma and using his advice, MRK experienced an annual return in excess of 100% in one of its segregated funds. This outstanding result has prompted us to invite Mr. Sharma to come to the United States in order to provide his professional services to MRK.  Subject to a continuation of similar performance, MRK is giving consideration to the creation of a specialized hedge fund in which Mr. Sharma would manage.  Should this direction be pursued, an announcement pertaining to the creation of the fund would probably be made in late summer of 2004.”


When in the United States, Mr. Sharma will have access to state-of-the-art communications, technology and information.  It is felt that this will allow him to work and communicate more effectively to better demonstrate how he can improve upon his track record.  As an established expert in the use of his methodology in investment management, Mr. Sharma has advised government officials, international bankers, investment managers, industry leaders and private individuals throughout the world. In addition, Mr. Sharma has previously studied commerce at the University of Maharastra in Mumbai India.


MRK has also pledged that a meaningful portion of the profits realized through the use of Mr. Sharma’s methodology will be contributed to an HIV/AIDS foundation for children in Africa. This commitment was one of the driving forces for Mr. Sharma in joining MRK.


Mr. Sharma officially joined MRK on May 5, 2004.


MRK Financial Inc.

19 E. Mission St., Suite A

Santa Barbara, CA 93101

(805) 569-6200