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Today's Trade & News

Major crash is on the way in commodities and stocks, dollar will blow up-side....

Dear Members,
Best time of trading has finally arrived. In this week newsletter, we mentioned to sell metals after USA market open and yes metal moved down during closing. Here what we said: "This week Monday metals will open up sharply and they will close weak or they will give up gains".
Sell gold around $1171 (Buy June, Sep, Dec 2010 puts), silver around $18.78 and sell all metals. Current market is very volatile and gold can reach $1186.80, and silver $19.05, but selling at current prices $1171, $18.78 won't give too much pain and this trade will be proven best trade in coming days.
Today I am giving you best three trade, which I also mentioned in this week newsletter and trades are:
Buy USD dollar against all currencies and this is final call, from her you won't lose even a dollar. just trust me and trust my work. I have been wrong for some time on USD but USD has been trading sideways and in metals are not comfortable that is why have been not recommending. Don't sell any of your position from here, just keep accumulating USD. Let everyone make fun of my dollar prediction. Dollar index is ready to move big with in week and before December expiry it may move up 10%.
Sell gold and silver and other metals, I don't have any doubt on my prediction gold reaching $550 after current volatility, let whole world laugh on me. Crash in metals is coming as predicted in newsletter and I pray for metal investors those who doesn't want to listens to me. I also pray for financial institutions and traders who are shorting dollar.
All major stock market are on top and they will move down from here and won't see these levels of indexes or stock prices coming back in the next seven months. India, Hong Kong, European and USA market to trade week from here. Indian stock market will fall big.
All other commodities will move down sharply, sell oil, grains and soft.
Just Buy Dollar index and Natural gas and sell everything, without fear because finally time has come for my members to make biggest return of their investment career. Last two months Dollar Index has been trading between 75.00 to 76.00.
You have to trust me today, Mars is openly telling me, ALL PLANETS are indicating, I am feeling the wave, I see something big is happening from today onward, so please take trades.
You will never forget this week newsletter. Please don't forward newsletter to non-subscribers (Cost of newsletter is nothing against risk they take in market).  
Thanks & God Bless
Mahendra Sharma, Monday 10 PM, New York