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Today's Trade & News

Market in uncertain zone as brief outlook for market, metals and FIFA 2018 predictions...

Dear Members,

Many book buyers have sent us email stating that in the current market cycle we predicted negative trend for market so how low market would go from here? Also many website visitors asking why market is going low, it should up. First let me answer the questions those who visitors of website and they think that I am bullish on market so why market going down! Visitors of website don’t subscribe any services or book so they don’t know what we have written in book as well as what we are writing in our daily letter, weekly letter and what have mentioned in “2018 financial predictions” book.

As predicted short-term or current sixth cycle for market as mentioned in our book “2018 Financial Predictions” is clearly indicating negative trend in market with major uncertainty and trade wars and this could turn very negative cycle which started from 20th June 2018. Most of markets could trade sharply lower but there will be opportunity of buying before this cycle ends.

Last week we mentioned that S&P will have difficult time to cross 2788 level on higher side and down side 2688 looks most important astro support point, but before that you need to watch 2703 level closely. In this week’s yesterday’s Flashnews and in this week’’s weekly newsletter we mentioned that market to trade negative on Monday and Tuesday, so stay away as we will be running into Scorpio Moon cycle, both side traders must trade carefully.

I recommend not to take any buying positions in market, since last week UVXY is our buying recommendations and one must hold positions in it.

Stay away from base metals as they are collapsing as predicted from 11 June. Zinc down 20% from the high, copper, lead, nickel, Palladium and platinum are down sharply lower. Gold weaker trend started as predicted from 2 May from $1357, we targeted $1262 level important astro support point to achieved which got achieved on the last week Thursday. Must read metals and market sections in our weekly newsletter if you can afford to buy other must book, we have already reduced 50% price on book and each separate section are available for (metals, energy, crypto currency, global market, Indian market) with less $100.

Rest of commodities will also have touch time so be aware. Read weekly newsletter of Daily flash news if you like to take short term trades.

Also must read current cycle as mentioned in “2018 Financial Predictions”. We still see S&P moving toward 3200 but before that bullish cycle starts we may see some pain.

Important note: Don’t looks for free news as it won’t take you anywhere.

I always try put some free predictions on our website but if you are serious investor and care about your money then subscriptions will be great choice and we are sure you won’t regrade, yes forget about last year out of Thirty Year of guidance.

FIFA WORLD CUP 2018: We already predicted Brazil and Mexico are our favorite two teams. Few people asked me which we will be four teams to go in to Semi-final? My two other teams are Portugal which I already stated, and England is forth team (I was debating between Uruguay, Serbia and England so I chose England).

I have been making every single day predictions on matches and amazing accuracy came so far. Out of 15 game predictions so far I was right on 12, so it will be fun to write who will win next day matches on my website.

Here is Kitco Interview of last week:

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma