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Today's Trade & News

Market predictions here but lets talk about those who dividing America...

USA is dividing again and few handful people doing this job…


Dear Member,

Markets traded in the predicted range on Friday but last week proved a sad week added in the American history as violence and riots took place across the USA due to the killing of George Floyd by Police officer. Few police officers did this hateful crime and these few police officers are not voices of America so why are we dividing ourselves. On other hand, few handful people took violence in their hand as they went for Riots, property destruction and looting.

Violence shouldn’t be an answer or message to those who still keep racism in their heart and soul, those who doing violence against other community also representing hate or kind of racism in their heart and soul as well. There should not be any place for racism and violence in America or anywhere else in the world. Let’s we all pray for George Floyd and his family/friends. 

Next two weeks will be most interesting week for markets, currencies and commodities. NASDAQ is just two percent away from all time high, S&P is still 10% below from the all time high. Emerging market currencies are making big moves, and emerging equity market also started acting positive. Still some cloud hanging over markets in the fourth and Fifth cycle so watch this hanging cloud closely but before that happens markets can move aggressively higher, but also markets can act unexpectedly during middle of this cycle so weekly newsletter carefully.

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Tom K

Fri, May 29, 6:17 AM (2 days ago)


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Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma