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Today's Trade & News

Still I am very bullish about Friday, DOW can rise 1000 to 2000 points... trend changing and it will change big way so get is small part of Fridays daily flashnews...

Friday Daily Stock Report (Unedited report)

World markets fallen apart, investors wealth got destroyed in every area but I see greatest opportunity of buying due to positive astro cycle which started yesterday, may take one day to take control on falling cycle…


Dear Members,

On Thursday I was expected rebound from the low due to positive astro combinations, but market failed to do even after FED pump in another $500 Billion in bond buying. Many time I stated that very occasionally my theory may not fulfil due to external impact or fear and Panic. I clearly mentioned in this week letter that Thursday would be best day to acquire stocks, as Friday also we see big rally so lets wait and how big market turn round on Friday. It is matter of few days of panic, astro cycle are not negative from today so be aware, don’t get panic. I am same person we recommended on worst to buy market when S&P was at 675, I stated that pull all in and that predictions created fortune for many and it was most panic day 26 Feb 2009. I am not recommending to gamble on my predictions but surely plan your strategy and investment accordingly.

It was globally nightmare as markets are falling and commodities are in free fall. Everyone is worried where these markets will stop falling.

It has been nightmare because stocks prices and Indexes are in worst trend.  It looks like that sport world will shut down at least for the few months. China have contained but Italy is now in problem.

Sun is changing house on Sunday so surely relief rally may come big way but virus have effected human life globally directly or indirectly.

Yesterday many markets collapsed around 10%, commodities also went down big (Palladium collapsed to $1600 yesterday around 23%), crypto collapsed between 20 to 40% and currencies were in volatile trend.

Friday I still recommend buying in market, avoid commodities, buy emerging and emerging market currencies. Friday 13th, called black Friday, I hope today is not that day, sense of stability will surely come from Monday, Thursday closing negative on positive astro day is bit negative news but overall astro combinations are getting better from Monday and this second cycle is also ending on 23rd March which is turn around day for global equity market. Thursday which was yesterday, Today and Monday are buying day in market and you may not this opportunity again.

Important note: Play with options so you lock your risk, stocks won’t do to zero but surely many areas of market or sectors will hit hard if Coronavirus stays like this. Entertainment industry, sports, parks and list goes on. Disney park is closed now. Focus on healthcare and Pharma stocks.

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Thanks & GOD BLESS

Mahendra Sharma