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Today's Trade & News

Markets achieved our predicted short term top but we are still holding our predictions of all time high in 2022...

Friday’s Daily Flash news (Unedited)

A fantastic rally in tech stocks as predicted which is killing the bear cartel but now…Oil prices crashing as predicted


Dear Members,    

I just landed in India for a few weeks but am still at Delhi Airport before I go to Mumbai, so I will write quick brief flash news, the last three weeks I was in Santa Barbara, and markets performed amazingly since I landed there.

This week’s markets and most of our recommended earning stocks performed amazingly well. Stocks like MELI, EPAN, ACLS, PCTY, PAYC, AMD, PYPL, AMZN, AHER, TEAM, and many more. I am sure you must have taken advantage of our recommendations. Most of these and many other stocks moved higher between 10 to 35% higher in the last three weeks. On 14 June bottom was predicted in the market and from 14 July we recommended a powerful rally starting in the market.

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Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma