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Today's Trade & News

Markets and metals are performing as predicted...two favorite trades are here

Are you ready for big firework in metals and markets?


Dear Members,

Markets and metals are trading as predicted so far this week. It is time to buy some aggressive long positions in metals, gold and silver. Stay long in JNUG and NUGT. On Thursday weakness came as predicted in this week’s letter and that was the buying opportunity.

CDNS will announce earnings on Monday, buy some positions. Next week will be a busy week of earnings so follow our daily stock report closely.

In our letter we recommended closing long in NVAX: NVAX has been performing well and it has been going non-stop higher. Now today we decided to close 80% long in it, or book profits between $130 to $170.00. It moved 2000% since early Feb after our recommendations.

Coffee: one of our favorite trades started performing well, now let’s see whether we are able to make a fortune in 2021 or not. Next week’s weekly newsletter will have a detailed outlook and Strategy for coffee.

So far equity markets are moving as per our recommendations. Don’t short the market, stay away from any expert or analysts who are recommending shorts. Most of the analysts failed to guide people to buy stocks when S&P was between 2200 to 2300, and our view was very bullish and we recommended buying S&P at 2200 with the target of 3259 to 3800.

Follow the wave of nature and astro cycle theory closely, and make our theory part of your trading and investment strategy.

Next week we shall have lots of fun trading the markets and commodities so wait for our letter on Sunday.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma