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Markets are moving perfectly the way we saw but watch fall in gold as gold may fall very sharply....

Wednesday Flash News (unedited copy)

Market is moving perfectly the way wanted



Dear Members,

European and USA market is perfectly moving the way final cycle mentioned in the book and as we expected. Also market will going to fall big but wait for our selling indications and 2016 Financial Prediction book.

Twelfth Cycle: (from book 2016 Financial Predictions page number 34)  

From the 18th of November to 31st of December 2016 - This will be a very bullish astro cycle for all the major markets as well. During the previous cycle and this cycle the market can move 15-20% higher so plan your trades accordingly, so that you can gain a maximum benefit out of it. Many call options of $1000 can be worth $50,000 in three months. In short, this is the best time cycle to make a great amount of money in the market.

This cycle can remain bullish for another two weeks.

On Tuesday, most of global markets went higher, I am expecting European and USA market to achieve top anytime from today to the next two weeks. Expect 2217, 2237 and….

Gold is holding $1161 level which good sign but Silver will outperform gold on Wednesday.

Thirty Year bond will recover. Dollar will trade mix.

Here is what we mentioned in “2016 Financial Predictions” book on page 59, and page 30.

Tenth Cycle for metal market:, from page 59, book “2016 Financial Predictions”  

From the 7th of October to 17th of November 2016 - Once again precious metals prices will fall sharply lower during this cycle so one should book profit before this cycle starts, or close your positions if you are holding any in metals. Sharp corrections in metals futures prices and metals stocks will surprise many because this fall will happen without any major news taking place in the metals market. This is purely a bearish cycle and we recommend short positions in metals.

Eleventh Cycle for US stock market, from page 33, book “2016 Financial Predictions”:

From the 7th of October to 17th of November 2016 - This will be the cycle where a turnaround will take place in the market and we see the market recovering very sharply. We won’t be surprised at all if the market moves towards an all-time high during this period. This is a great time to buy stocks, indexes or short term call options as most of the sectors will move up aggressively (Biotech, tech, financial, industrial etc.). In short, this will be the most bullish cycle for the market.

Must read Kitco article of what we stated before Diwali:

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Thanks & God Bless


Mahendra Sharma