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Today's Trade & News

Markets behavior patterns and astro cycles are money making trades are on the way

Dear Members,

I am back in Santa Barbara after a five weeks long trip to India. In this week newsletter we recommended selling gold around $1283 and down side we targeted $1245 for short term which got achieved. Tomorrow and Monday’s trend is important; we strongly recommend to read this week metal sections carefully because I am really nervous about metal market. Silver prices also lost big value. Our longer term target on down side we hold for gold to reach $775 and silver $9.88.

On other hand oil achieved higher side target of $48.88 level, we recommended exit around this prices for the short term. Astro cycle picked bottom very accurately in oil at $27.71 and 20 months back top in oil was best call.

Short term market is trading as predicted, watch 2023 and 2017, read this week newsletter carefully.

Thirty Year bond prices crashed yesterday after Fed minutes and dollar gained as predicted. Our predictions of Monday was selling 30 Year around 167-00 should provide great returns in coming so far this trade looks on our side.   

YINN is trading around $11.00, DUST rebounded. FMCC and FMNA also about to turn so soon great time of money is making is on the way.

We are strongly recommending to read our weekly newsletter carefully as complete planning is there for one coming best future trades.

Subscriptions cost is nothing against risk you take in take in market. Daily cost weekly and Flashnews letter is $18.00.  

Thanks & God Bless


Mahendra Sharma