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Today's Trade & News

Markets may remain volatile till 4th oct but take buying opportunity stocks and buy metals around lower sides...

Dear Members,

Markets and commodities are down sharply. We have to remember that Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Scorpio Moon will dominate so one day down and next day up, buying will come at lower side and selling will come at higher side. We always recommend stay away and finish pending work during the Scorpio Moon. Also North node will be changing house on wednesday that may bring small shake-up because it adjust in the Zodiac house of Venus. 

S&P just achieved our predicted lower side important target right now in European trading sessions, so take some long positions.

I strongly recommend reading this week newsletter very carefully word by word as it is most letter so focusing on the medium term rather than focusing too much on the short term happening and take advantage of shorty term volatility to buy stocks quality lower around sides. Another ten days are pending in volatility. S&P may great buy around 3261 to 3231, avoid European markets and Nifty Indian market index will have important astro support level at 11275/11191 as predicted in the Indian letter.

Precious Metals will rebound on Monday 21 September from the USA trading hours, volatility or weakness to continue in Asian and EUROPEAN trading hours. Tuesday will be positive day for precious metals. If precious metals trade negative on Tuesday which will be clear indication of short-term top achieved but we believe gold to rebound from 1932/1921 and silver $26.29/26.11, these are buying level.

Great time to sell currencies against USD.

Here is the current cycle from our 2020 Financial Prophecies book:

Seventh Cycle: From the 17th of August to the 4th of October

This will once again be a very volatile cycle, and I strongly recommend selling stocks during this period. Do not hold any long positions in tech and financial stocks as prices will fluctuate very fast, so have some sort of hedging strategy without holding any naked buying positions.

Hold some put options and buy some UVXY during this period. I still see biotech stocks performing very well during this cycle, so it will be very interesting when Tech and all the other sectors are trading negatively, and biotech outperforms all the sectors. If you see biotech performing well then you should start building positions in it as it will continue to perform well throughout the year.

In our book “2020 Financial Predictions” we mentioned the below in the stock market sections, I think it was a fantastic prediction which guided us by the astro cycle:

Sixth Cycle: From the 1st of July to the 16th of August

Once again, this will be a very bullish cycle for the market, so stock and equity prices will gradually start moving higher. I strongly recommend start buying tech, financial, and biotech stocks. Some aggressive movements will come in these sectors, and if I am not mistaken in my readings of the Astro cycles, all the major global market will hit an all-time high. This is especially true for the US and India. Europe and Japan will also move higher, and China will also trade positively.

This is a fantastic cycle to make a great amount of money in tech and biotech stocks. Mining stocks will also gain handsome value during this period, so buy mining ETF’s like NUGT of JNUG. You can also by tech and biotech ETF’s like SOXY and LABU.

Thanks & God BLESS

Mahendra Sharma

20 Sep 2020, 11.45 PM SB, CA